Senate to push for legislation to limit NSA spying, while lawmaker suggests Obama didn’t go far enough- House panel …

Published January 19, 2014

FILE: Feb. 13, 2010: Sen. Patrick Leahy, D, in Burlington, Vt.AP

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Sunday the upper chamber will continue working on legislation to limit NSA spying, suggesting President Obama has not gone far enough in making changes to protect Americans privacy.

Theres a concern that we have gone too much into Americans privacy, the Democratic lawmaker told Fox News Sunday. Theres still going to be legislation on this.

Leahy said several times that congressional Democrats and Republicans both share the concern and suggested the direction of the legislation will be impacted by what Attorney General Eric Holder says when he testifies on Capitol Hill on Jan. 29 -- the day after the presidents State of the Union address.

The president announced the changes Friday in a major policy speech at the Justice Department, following a series of revelations by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden that started last summer about the extent of agency spying.

Leahy said he wouldnt fight the president on his proposed NSA changes -- including additional court approval, a non-government agency holding phone meta-data and limiting the extent of the data collection.

I think we have a way we can do this, he said. I believe in going after the bad guys. But I also believe in some checks and balances, so you dont have a government run amok.

Leahy was joined on the show by retired Gen. Michael Hayden, a former Bush administration NSA and CIA director.

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Senate to push for legislation to limit NSA spying, while lawmaker suggests Obama didn't go far enough- House panel ...

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