NSA: Snowden does disservice to whistleblowers (Update)

10 hours ago by Glenn Chapman Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden appears by remote-controlled robot at a TED conference in Vancouver on March 18, 2014

The deputy head of the NSA spying agency accused fugitive intelligence contractor Edward Snowden on Thursday of displaying "amazing arrogance" in revealing US eavesdropping techniques.

NSA deputy director Richard Ledgett argued that Snowden, hailed as a hero by many for exposing the vast scope of the National Security Agency's online snooping, had done a disservice to whistleblowers.

Ledgett was addressing the TED ideas conference through a hastily arranged videolink after Snowden, in a rare appearance from his Russian hideaway, had appeared in similar fashion two days earlier.

"We didn't realize that he was going to show up, so kudos to you guys for arranging a nice surprise like that," Ledgett said, kicking off a video chat with TED curator Chris Anderson.

More revelations to come

Snowden appeared from his Russian exile Tuesday in the form of a remotely-controlled robot that rolled around the TED stage and promised more sensational revelations.

"Some of the most important reporting to be done is yet to come," he said, his face appearing on a screen borne by the robot.

Snowden, a former NSA contractor who has been charged in the United States with espionage, sparked a debate in Vancouver over whether he is a traitor or a whistleblower.

Ledgett said he wanted to weigh in at TED with the NSA perspective since Snowden had, he claimed, mixed "kernels of truth" with misleading information.

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NSA: Snowden does disservice to whistleblowers (Update)

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