Judge who ruled against NSA spying passes on Corsi case …

Jerome Corsi (Fox News video screenshot)

A federal judge in Washington who ruled against the National Security Agencys bulk collection of phone records three years ago declined Thursday to hear the lawsuit by New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi against special counsel Robert Mueller.

Corsi, who alleges prosecutorial misconduct by Mueller in the Russia investigation, including unconstitutional surveillance, wanted Judge Richard Leon to hear the case because of his handling of the NSA surveillance complaint in 2015.

Corsis lawyer, Larry Klayman, said Leon was the last line of defense in obtaining justice for his client, the Washington Examiner reported.

But Leon ruled Corsis case does not meet the criteria that allows certain federal judges to accept hearing similar cases.

The case will be assigned to another judge in Washington.

Corsis lawsuit alleges Muellers team leaked grand jury information to damage him publicly and that surveillance was carried out at the direction of Mueller and his partisan Democrat, leftist, and ethically and legally conflicted prosecutorial staff.

Muellers team has been investigating Corsi based on the theory that he and Trump ally Roger Stone communicated with WikiLeaks about the hacking and release of emails in 2016 by John Podesta, who then was the chairman of Hillary Clintons presidential campaign.

Corsi has rejected an offer by Mueller to plead guilty to one count of perjury, insisting he never lied.

Klayman contended Mueller and others violated the Fourth Amendment, the USA Freedom Act and Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Corsi, the lawyer said, was victimized by the unlawful and unconstitutional and other illegal and criminal conduct complained herein.

The complaint asserts Mueller misrepresented ordinary investigative research by Corsi to spin a fake narrative that Corsi colluded with Russian intelligence.

Corsi charged in a TV interview that Mueller dispatched FBI agents to the homes and workplaces of his family to threaten and harass them.

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Judge who ruled against NSA spying passes on Corsi case ...

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