LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Gov. Holcomb’s action on equality appreciated; Is government the real threat to our liberties and health?; Writer promises to…

Gov. Holcomb's action on equality appreciated

I was encouraged by Brian Howey's recent column reporting on Gov. Holcomb's address on the racial divide in America. Gov. Holcomb did historical research, had many conversations with others, and thought deeply, in developing the conviction that we as a state and nation need to work diligently toward equality for all. He knows that change will happen and the key is to shape that change nonviolently. He proposed policy to carry this forward. I admire him for taking the political courage to advance his views. You can listen to his speech, given on August 18, on YouTube.

LuEtta Friesen, Goshen

According to the CDC, there have been 177,759 deaths in this country due to COVID-19 out of a population of over 330 million. Do the math. People are not keeling over dead all around us as the media, and the so-called experts would have us believe. And yet, there are people running around everywhere wearing masks like the end of the world is at hand.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone. We're living in a time like no other. Critical thinking skills have gone out the window as many Americans seem willing to believe anything the "authorities" tell them.

Is all of this fear, hype and hysteria really warranted? Think about it. If this virus is so dangerous, why do so many people have to be tested to know they have it? Moreover, why are they exaggerating the numbers and inflating the death count if this is a legitimate threat?

Many Europeans are waking up to the tyranny being imposed upon them in the name of COVID-19 as large protests are taking place across Europe. Will enough Americans wake-up before it's too late? So far, the gullibility of most people appears to be limitless.

Edward Snowden recently warned that government is using COVID-19 as an excuse to enhance the surveillance state while relieving us of many of our freedoms.

Perhaps the real threat to our health, wealth and civil liberties isn't a pandemic. What if it's our own government?

Chad Maurer, Goshen

Welcome to God Bless America,Land That I Love day.

I had hoped that I would have a very good uplifting message for you today but right now my heart is grieving. I hurt for our leaders; I hurt for our police officers; I hurt for our people; and I hurt for our country.

One of my favorite musical groups, Casting Crowns, has a song that includes the lyrics at the end of our pointed fingers. This song goes on to talk about the problems that often are caused when we point fingers at others.

I cant speak for you, but I can speak for myself and I want America to be great.For that to happen I know that I must do my part.I want to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.I know that I must not point fingers. I may peacefully protest, but I may not participate in activities of violence and destruction.I may disagree with my fellow man, but I may not devalue them as a person or be disrespectful to them.I must do what is right and act accordingly or face the consequences of my actions.I know this to be an eternal truth.

I, Mark Huser promise to do my part to help America be great.I promise to treat all people fairly and with respect. Will you?

Mark Huser, Goshen

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Gov. Holcomb's action on equality appreciated; Is government the real threat to our liberties and health?; Writer promises to...

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