Edward Snowden, a Party to Subverting Nations in Latin America

Monday, February 3, 2014

Edward Snowden, a Party to Subverting Nations in Latin America

By Jerry Brewer

To those of the naivet persuasion who believe that Edward Joseph Snowden [30] is a hero for democracy and/or world freedom as a whistleblower, Latin America is simply one region of the globe that is experiencing the sour and bitter notes of his whistle playing, while he has taken up a convenient place of residence in Russia.

Let us not forget a fellow player of this rogue orchestra of oratorical disharmony, one Julian Paul Assange [42]. Since June 19, 2012 Assange has resided cozily in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where he has been granted diplomatic asylum.

Assange initially started with WikiLeaks in 2006, and subsequently began to publish US military and diplomatic documents that exposed secrets, sources and methods.

What do Snowden and Assange share in common, and who has facilitated their agendas and exploited their operational acts?

The dark and shadowy specter of espionage, with its many tentacles of manipulation and world players, are indeed suspect in a myriad of applications.

As the exploits of Snowden and Assange alone seem to primarily focus on the US, they are joined by leftwing rogue nation leaders and their own devious security services who point their crooked fingers at democracy -- spy versus spy is alive and well in virtually every corner of the world, and it will remain quite possibly until the end of time.

Reportedly, espionage preceded biblical times. A modern colloquialism references, The satanic serpent, an agent operating under the cover of a reptile, who enlisted Eve as an intelligence asset to destabilize the relationship between God and the Garden of Eden.Although a graphic philosophical illustration, it does identify the purpose and essential ethic of the intelligence craft -- coaxing your contact to part with confidences.

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Edward Snowden, a Party to Subverting Nations in Latin America

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