Letters to the Editor Thursday, June 17 – The Daily Gazette

Seeking refuge from assault of fireworksJust where does the law (state or local) stand on fireworks?It would seem that this year we will be subjected to an entire three-day weekend of noise that is nothing to celebrate for many households.The explosions in the dark can be very traumatic for people with PTSD from various experiences and for many pets who are terrorized by the sound and concussions.I have a dog who needs tranquilizers, which I hate to subject him to, to cope with the sensory assault.Calls to the local police about the nuisance are pointless, since they obviously cant be everywhere and if they do come to quiet things they take no definitive action and the show resumes as soon as theyre out of sight.Id take my animals away for peace and quiet, but frankly dont know where Id find sanctuary from the celebration.From experience, I know theres no talking to neighbors who think that personal displays are their right.If anyone can offer answers or suggest a place of relative refuge Id like to hear them.William SheehanRotterdam

The working class needs its own partyIt is unlikely that further significant legislation will pass before the 2022 elections.Even so, Biden has shown with these infrastructure and climate plans that Democrats will continue to compromise with themselves to diminish the positive impact of any legislation that does pass.This failure to seize the moment during the pandemic and recession to pass bold legislation to improve the lives and livelihoods of the working-class majority will enable heavy Democrat losses in 2022 and guarantee an obstructionist Republican Congress for the remaining two years.In sum, Bidens presidency is over.Many are responsible for this failure, especially the Democrats themselves: determined to serve their corporate masters and thus continually snatch political defeat from the jaws of victory.The entire progressive apparatus is also culpable for uncritically supporting a conservative and capitalist politician (Biden) and party (Democrats).Progressives made no demands before wholesale endorsing and campaigning for him.They also browbeat anyone who had principled politics and refused to go along with this Trump-Biden false choice.Electoral deplatforming of the Greens and an utterly feckless Democrat administration was the result.In this, progressives did more to defeat the Left than to defeat Trump.Numerous organizations perpetrated this shameful farce nationally, but some local culprits include DSA, Citizen Action, All of Us, and VOCAL-NY. Stop wasting your time and resources on Democrats and on any pusillanimous organizations like these that support Democrats.Working-class people must build their own organizations and their own political party now to advance their class interests.Samuel RoseSchenectady

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Letters to the Editor Thursday, June 17 - The Daily Gazette

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