WUWT is being deplatformed service interruptions the subsequent few days – The Shepherd of the Hills Gazette

Weve been given notice by our hosting provider that we need to move off the site. The reason is that we were suddenly faced with a big increase in hosting costs, and it wasnt tenable. (Wheres big oil when you need them?) So they told us we had to move.

Therefore we are moving back to wordpress.com, where we started back in 2007. We will be picking up where we left off when we moved two years ago and migrating all the content of the last two years back to the original site (which I retained in case of just such an emergency).

So, if WUWT becomes flakey or offline at times over the next few days, dont worry. We have it all backed up.

Thanks for your understanding and patience. Anthony

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July 15, 2020 in Announcements.

The rest is here:

WUWT is being deplatformed service interruptions the subsequent few days - The Shepherd of the Hills Gazette

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