9 weeks till NZ election what does the political landscape look like? – thedailyblog.co.nz

So we are now 9 weeks until the 2020 NZ Election due on September 19th. The pandemic has generated an unforeseen unprecedented universal event that has generated a solidarity and a genuine gratitude of Jacindas leadership which is translating into political loyalty. That loyalty is being tested however by a resurgent National Party led by a toxic politician like Judith Collins who if elected would usher in a Government of Dirty Politics.

August 6: The House will rise

August 12: Parliament will be dissolved

September 2: Overseas voting starts

September 5: Advance voting starts

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September 18: Advance voting ends and all election and referendum advertising must cease the night before election day with signs taken down by midnight.

September 19: Voting places will open from 9am until 7pm that night when election results will be released progressively.

October 2: Preliminary results for referendum votes on cannabis and end of life choice will be released.

October 9: Official results including special votes for the 2020 General Election and referendums declared.

The complacency of a Muller leadership must be replaced with genuine shock and horror at someone as toxic as Judith Collins becoming Prime Minister.

This election goes from rewarding Jacinda for her leadership through the terrorism, volcanism and pandemic, this election is now about stopping someone as dangerous as Crusher becoming PM and that means EVERY option of keeping Judith out of power must be on the table.

If the Greens and National look like they are slipping beneath 5%, then deals must be made in Northland and Auckland Central, the prospect of Crusher Collins as Prime Minister, highly unlikely as that is, can not be tolerated.

Labour have no choice but to fight back with policy that will actually fix problems rather than simply manage them.

National builds roads.Labour builds a Nation.

That must be the message Labour takes to the people in September.

In their moment of desperation and fear, National have selected a politician they cant control.

Crusher has sold a softer image of herself, but its just shallow re-branding. The truth is that she is the dirty politics player she has always been. Malice, spite and divisiveness, thats what is her political DNA so expect a campaign where she wont be able to help herself.

It wont be the policy that offends, as it will be made so loophole ridden National can define it any way they like, it will be Judith who wont be able to help herself.

The millisecond she loses the election, she will be dumped as leader, so she knows this is her one and only chance and that will in of itself create a pressure where she wont be able to help herself but go back to the dirty politics she is infamously known for.

Winston held his party launch in Auckland yesterday and his speech was interesting but not an election winner. The most extraordinary thing he had to say was todouble down on Oranga Tamariki child uplifts! Sweet Christ, of all the issues to champion????

Winston is busy in his speech fighting 20 year old battles it seems desperate and I cant see them gaining 5% off the back of this.

Which means Shanes run in Northland is crucial. The inclusion of the Brexit Dirty Politics team might inadvertently spark the angry white male vote via micro targeting adverts on Facebook, but the bile they will inadvertently release will become too politically noxious for the Greens and Labour to tolerate so could ultimately force Winston with no where else to go but National & ACT.

Now theres a terrifying thought National + NZ First + ACT as the Government?

Jesus wept, shoot me now.

I have argued the Greens are irrelevant because Labour are heading towards 50%+, but that was before Crusher and her skill set to arouse the worst angels of our nature, so the Greens getting back into Parliament is essential to keep Jacinda in power.

To this end Labour must consider handing Auckland Central over to the Greens if they arent looking likely to cross 5%. That call would need to be made at least a fortnight out from election day to have any impact on the day.

NZ First, ACT and National will all be attempting to goad woke green activists in social media to lose their shit over some petty micro aggression policing cancel culture deplatforming nonsense in the hope that the backlash spooks middle voters across to NZ First, ACT and National.

The Green Party need to come up with some positive busy work strategy to keep their Emerald Stormtroopers too distracted with some nothing online project in the hope to distract them from saying or doing anything alienating in these remaining 9 weeks. Try a Sunshine Project for the election where the Party urges social media supporters to hashtag why the are grateful for the Greens, anything to keep the woke too busy to say stupid shit.

When you twerk with the Devil in the pale moonlight, the Devil doesnt change, you do. ACTs flirtation with the gun fascists has ended with them taking his Party hostage the way Trump did with the Republican Party. The NZ NRA want to repeal the gun laws and are anti-1080 conspiracy fetishists.

Some of the anti 1080 stuff they believe is really Chem trail. Its glorious.

ACT have walked away from any ideological pretension that they are free market purists by going redneck on law and order with an appalling policy that would see the already outrageous proceeds of crimes act remove any safeguards and allow Police to seize private property. Who woulda thunk David Seymour would support State stormtroopers taking private property with no checks or balances other than the balance of probabilities?

Crusher Collins will take some of the shine off ACTs recent rise as the angry Right vote are excited by Judith.

My guess is that in their haste to cut a deal with the Gun Nuts, ACT hasnt spent much time on vetting their new NRA candidates. If I was a betting man, Id bet that information came out about 4 weeks from election day.

If I was a betting man.

Exploiting the deep sense of resentment by Mori towards the neoliberal welfare agencies the Government havent been able to tame, they stand to gain 2% plus a win in both Tamaki Makaurau and Te Tai Hauuru.

Sadly they havent built the momentum when they needed it. Risk getting a lower result than the New Conservatives.

Strip away any rationality, compassion and gentle sensibilities within Christianity and you have the New Conservative Party. Hateful of abortion, solo mothers, gays, solo mothers, cannabis and solo mothers, the New Conservatives love guns, patriarchy and more guns. Paranoid and frightened of any idea post the renaissance, the New Conservatives would represent a great leap backwards for New Zealand. Its political thinking is so inbred, I suspect they would want to relax laws around cousins marrying. Banjo playing with your toes and burning books is mandatory to be a candidate. I suspect Solo mums are not allowed to vote for the Party.

Hates all the same things as the New Conservatives but hates Muslims most.Brian Tamaki claimed yesterday at his central Auckland protest that Labour will make NZ a Socialist country and Ive NEVER been so excited & happy in my life. Reading through their policy, you suspect they consider eclipses to be inspired by Satan and believe Jacinda is the daughter of the Devils third cousin. I think Libraries and clitorises would be banned if Vision NZ came to power.

Now, you would have thought Vision NZ and the New Conservatives had covered off the entire spectrum of right wing crazy Christian, but lo and behold, theres another schism and its the ONE Party. They talk ALOT about The Kingdom which is bizarre for a democracy. Under ONE Party, I think Jesus becomes the Constitutional Head of State and God has to personally sign off on legislation. The NZDF would be given spirit spears to fight Satan with and anyone caught working on Sunday is put to death. I think under The One Party, Gay Conversion treatment is mandatory for anyone who watches Glee. I think electricity and any singing that isnt praising Jesus is also banned.

Desperate for political relevance, Jami Lee Ross, the former Machiavellian Svengali of the National Party, has started his own Party for the advancement of Jami Lee Ross. Under Advance NZ, Jami Lees Ross advances his own interests and anyone who wants to donate vast sums of money to the right while being recorded for it. Advance NZ wants freedom, sovereignty and independence for Jami Lee Ross. Think of it as a really expensive public rebranding exercise so JLR can get a job in Banking somewhere.

Wants to be the kingmaker of politics with lots of middle of the road opinions. Its that ugly blue green colour you have when environmentalism gets hit by capitalism. Has the kind of Mori buzz words you get when Wellington Bureaucrats are opening a sustainable pet crematorium.

Fresh from his tilt at the Auckland mayoralty, John Hong, NZs most active cheerleader for China, has formed his own Party and is aiming at the enormous Chinese diaspora in NZ to propel him into Parliament. For all the tea in China, Im not sure the Tea Party has read the tea leaves here. If the Tea Party syphons off votes from National and they dont reach the 5% threshold, Hong damages National and wastes all that vote. Its a win win for the Left, so I for one say, Keep going Mr Hong.

I love this Party, sure the Chinese puppet party is funny, various religious right wing nutters are entertaining and the vanity projects are a great self deluded laugh, but for pure insanity, the NZPP can not be surpassed. Their policy platform are a bunch of QaNON conspiracies all rolled into one vast narrative. The Covid-19 virus is a bioengineered weapon spread by 5G technology that is aimed to bring about a shadowy one world Government inside the UN. I cant satirise this, because it seems to be what they actually believe. The existence of the NZPP is an indictment on our public education system.

With the enrolment rule changes and booths in supermarkets and malls, I think we will see a large turnout.

I think overseas votes will go overwhelmingly to Labour and not the Greens.

I think with the huge number of fringe parties we will see more wasted vote than ever before.

I think the Government will be Labour + Greens

I think National will be 35%+

NZ First wont be politically relevant.

ACT will suffer rapid growth pains.

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9 weeks till NZ election what does the political landscape look like? - thedailyblog.co.nz

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