4 Great Email Templates For Leaving Your Job – Jobbio Journal

Goodbyes are never easy. If youre leaving your current role you will undoubtedly have to go through lots of longwinded farewells.Before you send those hotly anticipated bon voyage emails you might want to read some of our templates first.Afterall, you want to leave a good lasting impression.For your clients

The first email you send should be to your clients. This email should be short and sweet.

Dear [name],

I wanted to drop you an email to let you know that I have some news. I will be leaving my position as [job title] at [company name] on [date].

I have really enjoyed working with you during my time here and I wish you all the best for the future.

If there is anything you would like me to take a look at before I leave please do not hesitate to contact me. Your new point of contact will be [colleagues name] and they will be reaching out to you shortly.

All the best,

[your name]

Its a good idea to send your supervisor or manager a personalised email. Thank them for their help and wish them well. You never know when you might need a reference.

Hi [name]

Before I finish up today I wanted to take the opportunity to drop you a quick email to say thank you.

You have been a massive support to me during my time at [company name] and I really appreciate all your help and advice over the last [period of time youve worked together].

As I move on from [company name] I would love to stay in touch. You can find my personal email address and phone number at the bottom of this email.

All the best,

[your name].

This message will go to everyone on the office email list. Make it short, to the point and polite. Try to include a few anecdotes or funny stories too. Life is too short for boring all staff emails.

Dear [nickname for coworkers]

As most of you already know today will be my last day at [company name]. Leaving this [great/wonderful] company behind has been a very difficult decision to make.

During my [number] years at [company name], I have learned a lot. From starting out as a [first position at company] to my later years in [recent position] I have grown up a lot and met some incredible people along the way.

I will be starting a new chapter at [new company name] in a few short weeks. While Im excited about this new adventure I also cant wait to see all the amazing things that you will all accomplish here at [company name].

This isnt goodbye, more of a see you later(except for you [colleague name] I never want to see you again).

My contact information is below if anyone wants to stay in touch and I will see you all for a few drinks after work.

The first round is on [colleagues name].


[your name].

This is an email that you can send to someone that you consider a friend as well as a coworker. Someone that youve spent multiple lunches with and someone you can confide in when things go wrong. Theyre your work bestie and theydeserve an email all of their own.

[Colleagues name],

As you know, I will be finishing up my time at [company name] on [date].

I just wanted to take this moment to thank you for everything that you have done for me during my time here. From your never-ending support to the millions of cups of coffee you have brought to my desk.

You made me look forward to coming into the office each morning and I will never forget the time you [anecdote].

While Im excited aboutthis new adventure, I am sad to be leaving [company name] and my amazing coworkers.

Its been a pleasure working with you and please dont be a stranger.

All the best,

[your name]

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4 Great Email Templates For Leaving Your Job - Jobbio Journal

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