Help Us Stop the Extradition of Julian Assange! – a Community …

Priti Patel approves Assange's Extradition. This is a dark day for Press freedom and for British democracy.

Stella Assange: 'We are going to fight this, we are going to use every appeal avenue. I am going to spend every waking hour fighting for Julian until he is free."

Defence submissions to UK Home Secretary Priti Patel have just been filed, arguing why the US extradition of #Assange must be blocked. A decision is expected from Priti Patel in the coming days.

Priti Patel must now decide whether or not to extradite Assange.UKs Home Secretary Priti Patel must now decide whether or not to approve the extradition. Julian's defence has until May 17th to submit it's arguments to Priti Patel, who will then have 2 weeks to make her decision.

UK Supreme Court refuses permission to appeal in Assange extradition.The case will soon move to UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to decide on the extradition.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is facing a 175-year sentence for publishing truthful information in the public interest.

Julian Assange is currently being detained in UK prison - his third anniversary in Belmarsh is coming 11 April 2021.

For over 7 years, the US government has been fighting to extradite Julian Assange so he can be prosecuted in US courts for publishing their secrets which include evidence of war crimes.

In January this year, Julian Assange lost his appeal at the UK High Courts and it looks more likely than ever that he will be extradited

We cannot let that happen - if Julian Assange is convicted, his prosecution will carry long reaching and troubling consequences for journalism around the world

Your rights are at risk. Assanges right to publish is our right to know. We must stop Julian Assange being extradited to the USA.

Julian Assange is being sought by the current US administration for publishing US government documents which exposed war crimes and human rights abuses. The politically motivated charges represent an unprecedented attack on press freedom and the publics right to know seeking to criminalise basic journalistic activity.

If convicted Julian Assange faces a sentence of 175 years, likely to be spent in extreme isolation.

We cant fight this without your support. Please donate to help us prevent Julian Assanges Extradition to the USA.


US charges against Assange pose a huge threat, one that could criminalise the critical work of investigative journalists & their ability to protect their sources.-- The NUJ

The only thing standing between an Assange prosecution and a major threat to global media freedom is Britain. It is urgent that it defend the principles at risk.-- Human Rights Watch

Were Julian Assange to be extradited or subjected to any other transfer to the USA, Britain would be in breach of its obligations under international law. -- Massimo Moratti, Amnesty International

The right of Mr. Assange to personal liberty should be restored -- The UN working group on abritrary detention

Julian Assange shouldnt be the subject of a grand jury hearing, he should be given a medal. Hes contributing to democracy.-- Noam Chomsky, academic and activist

Assange must NEVER be extradited to the USA. Its a serious threat to him personally and freedoms we usually honor, such as press freedom, freedom of expression and FOI. -- Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International

Julian Assanges potential extradition has human rights implications that reach far beyond his individual case. -- Dunja Mijatovi, Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe

The case is a huge scandal and represents the failure of Western rule of law. If Julian Assange is convicted, it will be a death sentence for freedom of the press. -- Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture; Human Rights Chair, Geneva Academy

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Help Us Stop the Extradition of Julian Assange! - a Community ...

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