The Brave Behind Bars – Press TV

For Americans, the US invasion of Iraq was set like an elaborate game. US forces were to bravely buckle up and eliminate the enemies of democracy in Iraq. Propaganda was pouring in from all sides about Iraqs Weapons of Mass destruction and more.

And Americans were encouraged to cheer on the forces as we joined them in spirit, thousands of miles away in nearly everything we did, even in the games we played. Games such as the Iraqi Most-Wanted card game which was promoted back then in 2003. These cards were officially named personality identification playing cards and had on them the pictures of the Iraqi regime officials that the US military was aiming to heroically eliminate.

Of course, as those of us familiar with politics and propaganda could already predict, years later, it was discovered that not only was Iraq void of WMDs but in reality, it was the American forces who were a threat to Iraqis, not the other way around! Then we read on secret American prisons and all kinds of unbelievable torture methods.

And so, as a result of these crimes, a person continues to serve time in prison. Strangely enough, that person is not any of those who initiated the offensive on Iraq. Instead, hes the man behind exposing American crimes in places like Iraq and Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay: A whistleblower called Julian Assange.

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The Brave Behind Bars - Press TV

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