‘Most dangerous election interference organization’: Matt Gaetz accuses Google of trying to turn US into China – Washington Examiner

Rep. Matt Gaetz says Silicon Valley is increasing its influence over voters, accusing Google of engaging in election interference in hopes for a Democratic victory in November.

Beyond getting President Trump out of office, Gaetz said on Wednesday that the tech giant is working to turn the United States into China through its ties with the country.

"We have proved today that many of Americas largest technology platforms are not acting in the best interest of our country," Gaetz said on Fox News's Hannity.

The CEOs of four of the country's biggest tech companies appeared in front of the House Judiciary Committee earlier in the day to answer lawmakers' questions regarding online competition.

Gaetz has been a major critic of Silicon Valley, accusing companies of silencing conservative voices online and on social media. During the testimony, the Florida Republican grilled Google CEO Sundar Pichai about allegations that the company was advancing China's artificial intelligence capabilities after refusing to work with the U.S. military.

"Its not that they are just working with China, they are trying to turn our country into China," Gaetz said. "Google, in particular, is the most dangerous election interference organization in the world."

Gaetz also said tech companies made him and other Republicans the victims of shadow banning or blocking content from being seen online. He said this was particularly relevant during the Russia investigation.

"Twitter shadow banned four members of Congress during the Russian hoax: Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Devin Nunes, and Matt Gaetz," he said. "That was not a coincidence ... the Department of Justice should go and investigate these major tech platforms and prove that they are not biased. We've got enough smoke. There's definitely fire."

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'Most dangerous election interference organization': Matt Gaetz accuses Google of trying to turn US into China - Washington Examiner

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