We’re making a very important decision when it comes to Julian Assange – The Big Smoke Australia

The entirety of the Julian Assange case now boils down to a solitary argument: Should journalists be jailed for exposing war crimes?

The facts are all in, and yes, the US government is moving to imprison a journalist for exposing its war crimes. That is happening, and there is no justifying it.

So the narrative managers, by and large, have gone silent.

Which is good. Because it gives us an opening to seize control of the narrative.

Its time to go on the offensive with this. Assange supporters have gotten so used to playing defence that it hasnt fully occurred to us to go on a full-blown charge. Ive been guilty of this as well; Ill be letting myself get bogged down in some old, obsolete debate with someone about some obscure aspect of the Swedish case or something, not realising that none of that matters anymore.

Everything that was used to get Assange to this point are impotent, irrelevant expenditures of energy compared to the fact that the US government is working to set a precedent which will allow it to jail any journalist who exposes its misdeeds, and we can now force Assanges smearers to confront this reality.

Should journalists be jailed for exposing war crimes? Yes or no.

Thatsthe debate now. Not Russia. Not Sweden. Not whether he followed proper bail protocol or washed his dishes at the embassy. Thats old stuff. Thats obsolete.

We now have two and a half months to prepare for the second half of Julian Assanges extradition hearing: all of March, all of April, and half of May. Were going to need all that time to seize control of the narrative and make it very, very clear to the world that a very important decision is about to be made by the powerful on our behalf, if we dont make that decision for them.

This really is do or die time, humans. If we allow them to extradite and imprison Julian Assange for practicing journalism, thats it. Its over. We might as well all stop caring what happens to the world and sit on our hands. Its impossible to hold power accountable if youre not even allowed to see what its doing.

If we, the many, dont have the spine to stand up against the few and say No, we get to find out facts about you bastards and use it to inform our worldview, you dont get to criminalise that, then we certainly wont have the spine it will take to wrest control of this world away from the hands of sociopathic plutocrats and take our fate into our own hands. We are deciding, right now, what we are made of. And what we want to become.

This is it. This is the part of the movie where we collectively choose the red pill or the blue pill. We are collectively being asked a question here, and our answer to that question will determine the entire course we will take as a species.

So whats it going to be, humanity?

Truth, or lies?

Light, or darkness?

A world where we can hold power to account with the light of truth, or a world where power decides whats true for us?

A world with free speech and a free press, or a world where journalists are imprisoned whenever they expose the evils of the most powerful institutions on this planet?

A world where we all actively fight to free Assange and get the job done, or a giant, irreversible leap toward the end of humanity as we know it?

Do we free Assange?

Or do we sit complacent with our Netflix and our KFC and trust the authority figures to do whats best?

Do we take the red pill?

Or do we take the blue one?

Choose your path, humans.

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We're making a very important decision when it comes to Julian Assange - The Big Smoke Australia

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