Julian Assange is the "canary in the coalmine" – Scoop.co.nz

Saturday, 2 November 2019, 11:27 amPress Release: Joint Press Release

PRESS RELEASE 01/11/2019:JulianAssange is the "canary in the coalmine"

Without Free speech there is no "press" and without thepress there can be no meaningful democracy. Why is it thatit is left to the Spanish to investigate the violations ofJulian's legal rights - in Britain?!

These abusesinclude: Surveillance (in aforeign embassy - which is a abuse of civil rights - andinternational law / legal privilege). Theft of evidentiary material (vitalto Julian's legal defence). Procedural"irregularities" (including, but not limitedto...) Solitary confinement -the length of which constitutes "cruel and unusualpunishment... (more than 15 days in solitary confinementis defined as torture United Nations)

Julian Assange is the target of a calculated, andprotracted campaign of injustices designed to torture himmentally and physically intended to render him, and thosethat might be tempted to emulate him, into renouncing hisevidence of war crimes, and to condemn him to a life of"silent" incarceration - and possibly death in solitaryconfinement.

You shall know a tree by it's fruit-and the people who are behind these nefarious, clandestine- and illegal activities are - for want of a better word-evil!

If we as a free people allow our journaliststo be bullied, jailed -and tortured - what do we have tolook forward to in the not too distant future? Will ourepitaph be "First they came for the journalists, and I didnot speak - because I was not a journalist!?

Weimplore the New Zealand media to do everything that they canto bring the light of dayback to this story - as it is amatter of life and death - not only for Julian Assange butfor the free and democratic people of the world.

We are not interested in publicity - for it's ownsake -or for our own - we're simply trying to save a bravean important man from further suffering -and to preventfuture malicious misuses of power.

This Press Releaseis issued by spokespersons for the following groups:

#FreeAssangeNZ (700+) #Candles4Assange (750+) #OperationFreeAssange (1.4k+) #Unity4J(7.7k+)

Scoop Media

Scoop Citizen Membership ScoopPro for Organisations

See the article here:
Julian Assange is the "canary in the coalmine" - Scoop.co.nz

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