Julian Assange rejects UK-Ecuador deal for him to leave the …

Last year Jeff Sessions, the former US attorney general, said arresting Mr Assange was a priority.

In November a filing error revealed that Mr Assange faced charges in the US - although it was not clear what those charges were.

Many speculate they would be connected to the release of classified information, and Mr Assange fears a long prison sentence in the US for what his supporters say is publishing information in the public interest.

"The suggestion that as long as the death penalty is off the table, MrAssange need not fear persecution is obviously wrong," said Mr Pollack.

"No one should have to face criminal charges for publishing truthful information.

"Since such charges appear to have been brought against MrAssange in the United States, Ecuador should continue to provide him asylum."

Mr Assange fled to the embassy when he was wanted for questioning in Sweden about sexual assault allegations. He always maintained his innocence and Swedish authorities later said they had dropped their extradition request.

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Julian Assange rejects UK-Ecuador deal for him to leave the ...

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