Report: Julian Assange Soon May Be Kicked Out of Embassy

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may soon be evicted from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London after six years as high-level talks continue between that country and Britain, The New York Post reported Saturday.

Citing The Times of London, the Post said that Assange's fate at the embassy, where he has been since 2012, depended on the outcome of the discussions.

Former President Rafael Correa granted Assange, 47, asylum after he was accused of sexual assault and rape in Sweden.

But his successor, Lenin Moreno, who was elected in May, considers Assange an inherited problem and has ripped him as a "stone in the shoe."

Moreno's government has already cut off Assange's Internet access and has banned most of his visitors to the embassy.

Assange has claimed that the Swedish charges were created by the United States to discredit him after WikiLeaks published hacked information that discredited the Obama administration, the Post reported.

He fears that he would be extradited to the U.S. if he leaves the embassy, an even more likely possibility the Post disclosed after 12 Russian intelligence officers were indicted Friday by special counsel Robert Mueller's prosecutors.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the indictments, accusing the Russians of leaking hacked data from the Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton's campaign and party operatives to WikiLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and others.

The stolen emails, the Post disclosed, included Democratic plans to derail the campaign of Bernie Sanders to boost Hillary Clinton.

2018 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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Report: Julian Assange Soon May Be Kicked Out of Embassy

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