Donald Trump could soon pardon Wikileaks founder Julian Assange after doing this –


Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher revealed he discussed discuss what might be necessary to get him out of asylum, when he met with Mr Assange earlier this week.

And speculation was reignited yesterday when Trump Alert, the Twitter account which tracks the Presidents Twitter activity, reported that the President had begun following Mr Assange.

However, the President may have quickly unfollowed the Wikileaks founder, with the account no longer listed as on his followers for both his presidential and personal accounts.

Mr Assange has been holed up inside the embassy for almost exactly five years and has been granted political asylum by Ecuador.

(Assange) has information that will be of dramatic importance to our government

US congressman Dana Rohrabacher

The Australian hacker faces sexual assault charges in Sweden and, if extradited there, he could be deported to the USA, where he could face charges relating to publishing documents leaked by Edward Snowden on his Wikileaks site.

In his interview, Mr Rohrabacher suggested Mr Assange could be pardoned in exchange for information about the Democratic National Committee (DNC) email leak in 2016.

The California representative told the Daily Caller: (Assange) has information that will be of dramatic importance to the United States and the people of our country as well as to our government.


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Two U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers fly from Guam with an escort of a pair of Japan Self-Defense Forces F-2 fighter jets near Kyushu

Thus if he comes up with that, you know hes going to expect something in return.

He cant even leave the embassy to get out to Washington to talk to anybody if he doesnt have a pardon.

Mr Assange has controversially claimed Russia was not involved in the DNC email hack, contrary to reports by US intelligence services.

Original post:
Donald Trump could soon pardon Wikileaks founder Julian Assange after doing this -

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