Assange cheers on Ecuador in World Cup

There's only one team WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is supporting in the World Cup and it's not Australia.

Thursday marks the second anniversary of Assange entering the Ecuadorean embassy in London to seek political asylum which was granted in mid-August 2012.

It's perhaps understandable then that the Queensland-born whistleblower is backing the South American country he hopes to one day call home.

"I have been watching the World Cup although the reception in this building is quite difficult," Assange told reporters during a phone conference on Wednesday.

"Of course Ecuador undoubtedly deserves to win the World Cup (and) it also has a pretty decent team."

But with so much prestige on the line for the host nation Assange is predicting Brazil is "the most likely victor".

This time last year, Assange launched a blistering attack on the Gillard government for abandoning him.

He said Labor "bent over more than any other country in the world" to appease the US.

Twelve months on he says the election of the conservative Abbott government in September 2013 "produced no change in the situation".

"Sadly it is the state of the Australian government ... that both sides of politics have been extremely close to the United States," he said.

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Assange cheers on Ecuador in World Cup

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