NSA Spying Is a Power Grab

Preface: Mass Surveillance Is Completely Unnecessary

Top security experts including the highest-level government officials and the top university experts say that mass surveillance actually increases terrorism and hurts security.

They say that our government failed to stop the Boston bombing because they were too busy spying on millions of innocent Americans instead of focusing on actual bad guys.

Moreover, high-level NSA executive Bill Binney - who created the agencys mass surveillance program for digital information - made it easy for the NSA to catch bad guys without spying on innocent Americans all while strengthening America against security breaches.

(Binney is a 32-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a legend within the agency. Binney was the senior technical director within the agency and managed thousands of NSA employees. Binney has been interviewed by virtually all of the mainstream media, including CBS, ABC, CNN, New York Times, USA Today, Fox News, PBS and many others.)

Binney's system automatically encrypted information about Americans ... but that information could be decrypted if a judge ordered that a specific American was a bad guy or was connected with a bad guy.

But after 9/11, the NSA instead switched to the current system which conducts mass surveillance on all Americans. Specifically, the system rolled out by the NSA after 9/11 used parts of Binney's system ... but stripped out all of the encryption which would have protected Americans' privacy absent a court order.

Why did the NSA switch from the privacy-protecting system which worked to catch terrorists to one that spied on all Americans in violation of their constitutional rights?

A very high-level congressional committee security staffer - Diane Roark - gave a hint on a Frontline show this month. Roark was the congressional staffer in charge of overseeing the NSA for the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee.

Roark explains [ZH - I'd be grateful if someone tells me how to embed the linked video (it's Jwplayer) into an embedded video with start time and duration]:

Continued here:
NSA Spying Is a Power Grab

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