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Transhumanism News

Transhuman Cosmic Self-Directed Evolution
Euvolution was founded in the year 2000 - inspired by futurist, Simone Oulette, from Quebec, Canada and hosted in the United States.

Introduction to the website
Cosmos Theology - Cosmotheism
Dr William Pierce, Cosmotheism is the Meaning of Life, Our Cause ::
Download Here Video, Dr William Pierce, Cosmotheism is the Meaning of Life, Our Cause
Cosmos Theology ::
Download Here Video, Cosmos Theology
Cosmotheism Trilogy On Society ::
Download Here Video, Cosmotheism Trilogy On Society
Cosmotheism Trilogy On Living Things ::
Download Here Video, Cosmotheism Trilogy On Living Things
Cosmotheism Trilogy On The Path ::
Download Here Video, Cosmotheism Trilogy On The Path
Brief Introduction To Cosmos Theology PDF
Cosmotheism Trilogy William L Pierce PDF
Transhuman Cosmic Self-Directed Evolution
Cosmotheism is a religion which positively asserts there is an internal meaning and purpose in life and in the cosmos. There is an essential unity, or consciousness that binds all living beings and all of the inorganic cosmos, as one. And what our true identity is this: we are the cosmos, made self-aware and self-conscious by evolution. Our undeniable human purpose, is to know and to complete ourselves as conscious individuals, and also as a self-aware species, and thereby to co-evolve with the cosmos towards total and universal awareness, and towards the ever-higher perfection of consciousness and being.
Transtopia, Euvolution and Prometheism which are all 3 sister web sites have been described by a member of Better Humans as:
"The Magneto Side of the Transhuman Equation"
We in the Eugenics movement are not interested in competing against Adolph Hitler or Karl Marx for some minuscule little 1,000 year Reich. We are interested in competing with Jesus Christ and Buddha for the destiny of man.
Favored Races Manifesto (PDF) by James L. Hart

:: The Sworn Oath of Prometheism
We Prometheans are voluntarily coming together to purposefully direct the creation of a new post-human species. A species with higher intellect, creativity, consciousness and love of ones people. A communion of intellect and beauty, for the simple reason that it can be done. This creation is what gives us purpose and meaning. No other justification is required for this program to advance our Promethean species.
( The principles and objectives of Prometheism )
The Science of Eugenics
Ideology of Eugenics
Society and Genes
The History and Politics of Eugenics
Generations of The Future
The "IQ " Myth and the "G" Factor
The Nature versus Nurture debate
Racial differences and evolutionary strategies
Evolutionary theory
White Nationalism
Political Correctness and Censorship in the Western World
Against Eugenics and Genetic Engineering
Eugenics and Dysgenics
Plato's Republic and Critique of Liberal-Egalitarian One-Man
Qualified Mesothelioma Lawyers
Welcome to transtopia, virtual citadel of radically progressive thought. Here you'll find a philosophy that fuses such diverse and seemingly unrelated concepts as apocalyptic futurism, atheism, childfreeness, cryonics, hedonism, and political incorrectness into a unique, and uniquely empowering whole.
Ex machina libertas -- technology will set you free. transtopia is Transhumanism the way it was meant to be: bold; revolutionary; uncompromisingly dedicated to overcoming the many flaws and limitations of the human condition, including death itself, by rational and scientific means.
"...the Magneto side in the Transhumanist equation." |
Eritis sicut dii -- you shall be as gods. It's time to leave our stifling earthly
cradle and fulfill our evolutionary destiny among the stars...or die trying. There's
nothing to lose except a short, brutish existence, so onwards, past the event horizon and
into the heart of the technological Singularity!
If taking personal empowerment to its logical extreme sounds like your
cup of tea, you have definitely come to the right place. If not,
well, you might want to look around a bit anyway; you're practically
guaranteed to expand your mind in transtopia's vast and complex memespace.
- Introduction to transtopianism and the Singularity
Why it is essential that Transhumanists get
organized. - The transtopian Principles
The philosophical underpinnings of the transtopian movement; the
ultimate iconoclastic manifesto. [V. 5.1] - Terminology & Iconography
transtopian terms, slogans & symbols explained. - Enlightenment Test
Is transtopianism
for you? Are you hardcore? Find out with this
interactive quiz! [V. 5.3.3]
- What is The Singularity?
Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman
intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended. Is such progress
avoidable? If not to be avoided, can events be guided so that we may
survive and prosper? - Mind Uploading - An Introduction
Uploading is the transfer of the brain's mindpattern onto a different
substrate (such as an advanced computer). Uploading is a central concept
in our vision of technological ascension.
- Main
- Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
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- Cryonics
- Island Project
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Prometheism News
Library Books
- Natural Morality PDF
- Cosmos Theology PDF
- Cosmos Theology Questions And Answers PDF
- Invitation Cards PDF
- Thus spake Zarathustra PDF
- Cosmotheism 3 Books in PDF
- The Genetic Ascent of Godhood PDF
- Fame of a Dead Mans Deeds PDF
- Culture of Critique PDF
- Jewish Supremacism PDF
- Socrates Meets Jesus PDF
- The Anti-Christ PDF
- Neo-Eugenics Manifesto PDF
- Race, Evolution, and Behavior PDF
- The Meaning of COSMOTHEISM PDF
- The Color of Crime PDF
- Jewish-Communist Brainwashing Techniques PDF
- Does Race Exist
- Why Civilizations Self-Destruct

Eugenics Papers | Martinez Perspective | Transtopia Site (New) | Prometheism | Euvolution | Pierre Teilhard De Chardin