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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Walter Block defining Libertarianism and Austrian Economics (Relate4ever Publishing interview) – Video
Posted: April 25, 2013 at 4:42 am
Walter Block defining Libertarianism and Austrian Economics (Relate4ever Publishing interview)
Walter Block earned his PhD in Economics at Columbia University. He is an author, editor, and co-editor of many books which include Defending the Undefendabl...
By: relate4ever
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Capitalism is Dead. Long Live Transhumanism. – H+ Magazine
Posted: at 4:41 am
By: Lee Coburn
Humanity is now entering the fourth economic paradigm. First we were hunter gathers, second farmers, third the industrial revolution. Now the fourth paradigm, where transhuman entrepreneurs, utilizing both neurological and machine augmented intelligence, are replacing capital as the economic driving force in free market economies.
In the last 40 years computers and robots have replaced humans in more than 9 million traditional jobs. This trend is accelerating as Intelligent Self-Educating Computer Systems (ISECS) like WATSON, WolframAlpha, Quora and others are moving from the lab into the cloud.
Humanities golden age? Possibly, but like the start of the industrial revolution it is the transition thats scary, creating unemployment, pain and suffering. Today transhuman entrepreneurs are pulling us into a new age where bioinformatics, nanotechnology, 3D printers, ISECS, and robot slaves will do our work, freeing us for love, play and fun.
For this document we define Transhumans to be free thinking, courageous doers, who, use augmented intelligence, to harness the frontiers of human knowledge and technology.
During the industrial revolution vast amounts of capital were needed to start and build railroads, steel mills, auto factories and giant retail businesses like Montgomery Wards. The world economies were driven by the need for capital, hence the name capitalism. Today most American steel mills have closed, General Motors has filed for bankruptcy, and Montgomery Wards is history.
The fourth economic paradigm is being created by transhuman entrepreneurs who use the internet and advance computer systems to augment their intelligence, enabling them to better utilize our growing scientific and technological knowledge. Look at the market value of companies started by transhumans like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Peter Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, Larry Page, Sergy Brin, Mark Zuckerberg and thousands of others. Rather than needing capital, these companies are generating trillions of dollars of surplus capital.
Golden age of opportunity: Because scientific and technological knowledge is developing exponentially, there are more entrepreneurial opportunities today than at any other time in human history. Best of all. there are no formal educational requirements, school dropouts like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and other entrepreneurs with even less education outnumber those with Ph. Ds..
Today 90% of all scientists and inventors that have ever lived are alive and working. They are producing more new opportunities every 15 years, then were produced in the last 100. And the last century was very inventive with TVs, computers, space travel, washing machines, airplanes, autos and much more! Check out the website, where their daily newsletter documents five to twelve new scientific and technological advancements. Many of these discoveries point to new products and industries.
Entrepreneurs themselves are a major source of new opportunities. When the Wright brothers invented the airplane they created opportunities for airplane manufacturers like Boeing. They also created thousands of second tier opportunities. These, for the most part are low tech, like food services, airport support, travel agents and manufacturers of airplane seats, etc.. It is in this second tier where historically businesses have earned the most money and created many new jobs. So, the more entrepreneurs there are, the more new opportunities there will be.
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Levi Niha – Futurism – Video
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Levi Niha - Futurism
Like my Facebook page: Levi Niha - Futurism Levi Niha Soundcloud: Facebook: https://...
By: AirwaveDubstepTV
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FSQ#3: Brain Interfaces to Futurism – Video
Posted: at 4:41 am
FSQ#3: Brain Interfaces to Futurism
Uploading, cryonics, AI, nanotechnology, landless states, aquaponics, and being a futurist! I talk about all of these topics and more in this latest edition ...
By: ExplainingTheFuture
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Futurist David Zach @ Napa Education Exchange – Video
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Futurist David Zach @ Napa Education Exchange
Fri 4/19.
By: Melissa Torres
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Incredible Astrophoto: Space Station Flies Over Stonehenge
Posted: April 23, 2013 at 6:46 pm
by Nancy Atkinson on April 23, 2013
Want to stay on top of all the space news? Follow @universetoday on Twitter
International Space Station pass over Stonehenge, Wiltshire UK, April 20, 2013. Credit and copyright: Tim Burgess. Used by permission.
In a gorgeous mix of archeology and space exploration, photographer Tim Burgess captured a stunning view of the International Space Station passing over the historic and iconic Stonehenge on April 20, 2013. Tim said this composite image is composed of 11 shots, 10 sec, f2.8, 400 ISO. As one person commented on Flickr, An amazing feat of human engineering passing over an amazing feat of human engineering, captured by an amazing feat of human engineering.
Thanks to Tim for allowing us to post this image on UT; keep track of Tims photography on Flickr and Twitter. Want to get your astrophoto featured on Universe Today? Join our Flickr group or send us your images by email (this means youre giving us permission to post them). Please explain whats in the picture, when you took it, the equipment you used, etc.
Tagged as: Astrophotos, ISS, Stonehenge
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Space Station Communications Test Bed Checks Out; Experiments Begin
Posted: at 6:46 pm
WASHINGTON, April 23, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) test bed has begun its experiments after completing its checkout on the International Space Station.
The SCaN test bed is an advanced, integrated communications laboratory facility that uses a new generation of software-defined radio (SDR) technology to allow researchers to develop, test and demonstrate advanced communications, networking and navigation technologies in space. This radio communication technology is based on a new standard that enables radio characteristics and functionality to be changed simply by altering the software. It can be transferred to any radio built to the standard. The cost savings and efficiency of this new technology will improve NASA's data communications in the future.
"The space station serves as a dynamic test bed for the technologies needed for future human and robotic exploration," said International Space Station Program Manager Michael Suffredini. "SCaN is an example of the technologies that are being matured in low-Earth orbit and used to increase science return of many different types of spacecraft."
Checkout activities completed in February established the status and health of the payload, including the antenna systems and software on each of three SDRs. The test bed will help technology developers and mission planners understand how they will be used in future missions.
"With the development and deployment of this test bed, NASA has enabled significant future advancements by gaining knowledge and understanding of SDR development," said John Rush, technology and standards director for SCaN at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "That has created expertise across the agency that will define and develop the next generation of SDRs for future missions."
Initial experiments under way include advancing in S-band and Ka-band SDR technology and enhancing the capabilities of the existing communications paths, especially in the Ka-band. Researchers expect the test bed to operate aboard the space station for as long as six years.
"The SCaN Test bed represents a significant advancement in SDRs and its applications for NASA," said David Irimies, project manager for the SCaN test bed at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. "Investigating these SDR technologies in the dynamic space environment increases their technology readiness level and maturity, which in turn can be used for future missions as risk reduction."
An experiment with NASA's latest Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)-K will be the first in-orbit test and demonstration of a TDRS spacecraft acquiring and successfully auto-tracking a Ka-band user in low-Earth orbit.
This reconfigurable in-orbit laboratory provides broad participation to NASA, industry, academia and other government agencies. These experiments will contribute data to the Space Telecommunications Radio Standard Compliant repository and will enable future hardware platforms to use common, reusable software modules to reduce development time and costs.
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International Space Station to fly over Baltimore this week
Posted: at 6:46 pm
Spot the International Space Station moving across the night sky this week. Chances arise the next three nights, but the best viewing opportunity Wednesday is possible to coincide with rain and thunderstorms.
Look tonight at 8:59 p.m., Tuesday at 9:45 p.m. and Wednesday at 8:54 p.m. In each case, the space station will appear brighter than a star moving steadily across the sky, first appearing on the northwestern horizon.
Wednesdays will be the best chance, with the spacecraft taking a path directly overhead and at its brightest. But forecasts are calling for a 50 percent chance of rain Wednesday night, according to the National Weather Service.
It takes about 6 minutes for the space station to cross the sky, but Tuesday's opportunity will be only about half that before the space station disappears into the shadows.
Given all that, you might want to spot the space station Monday while you have the chance. It will stay low in the sky, passing eastward through the constellations Cassiopeia and Ursa Minor, better known as the Little Dipper.
Look out for Jupiter low in the western sky while you're out there.
The space station's current crew, on Expedition 35, is led by Canadian space agency astronaut Chris Hadfield and includes NASA astronauts Tom Marshburn and Chris Cassidy, both flight engineers.
The space station could soon gets its first reinforcements from a commercial spacecraft after a successful launch of Orbital Sciences Corp.'s Antares rocket Sunday. The rocket launched at 5 p.m. after several delays in the preceding days.
"Today's successful test marks another significant milestone in NASA'splan to rely on American companies to launch supplies and astronauts tothe International Space Station, bringing this important work back tothe United States where it belongs," NASA Administrator CharlesBolden said in a statement.
A demonstration mission for Orbital Sciences to resupply the space station is scheduled for later this year.
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International Space Station to fly over Baltimore this week
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Little Mix – Sortie Album DNA – 22 avril 2013 – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Little Mix - Sortie Album DNA - 22 avril 2013
Message des Little Mix pour la sortie de la version exclusive franaise de l #39;album DNA, le 22 avril prochain! Inclus: Wings, DNA, Change Your Life, How Ya Do...
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More DNA Sampling Passes Colorado House, Heads To Senate
Posted: at 6:45 pm
DENVER (AP) An expansion of DNA collection for some misdemeanor convictions cleared the Colorado House Tuesday with wide support, despite trepidations from some lawmakers who said the sampling also would occur for minor, nonviolent crimes.
Denver Democratic Rep. Dan Pabon, the bill sponsor, urged his colleagues to support the proposal by recounting cases where rapists and murderers were caught, others who could have been caught had their DNA been collected, and instances where innocent people were exonerated.
To say that this helps victims, it exonerates the innocent, solves cold cases, and prevents crimes is not hyperbole. This is serious, Pabon said.
The bill passed the House on a 43-21 vote with bipartisan support. The Senate will now consider the bill.
Most states, including Colorado, already collect DNA in felony cases.
Pabons bill would apply only to Class 1 criminal misdemeanors, which include some assaults and thefts. But opponents expressed concern that criminal misdemeanors also include lesser offences, such as recording a film in a movie theater.
The question for me, the reason Im opposed to this bill, is from whom do we take it, and when, and why? asked Rep. Claire Levy, D-Boulder. And how far are going to go as a people in collecting data from people and storing it for some undesignated use?
Opponents of the proposal said it went too far because DNA contains more identifying information about people than fingerprints.
I think that goes down a road way too far in taking away our freedom and our privacies, Levy said.
Colorado Springs Rep. Mark Waller, a prosecutor and the GOPs House leader, said the bill would help law enforcement solve crimes.
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