Unifying The Supply Chain With Machine Learning Organized Information, Increases Speed, And Improves Efficiency – Forbes

Sergey Tarasov - stock.adobe.com

Supply chain management has always been one of the most complicated business processes. Theres the complexity of multiple systems internal to a corporation, including accounting, manufacturing, inventory and more. Then theres the need to share information up and down the chain. It was a problem before computers, in the mainframe days, and still exists as a challenge today. Machine learning (ML) has begun to have an impact on the supply chain, and its overdue.

Let me begin by pointing out that I am talking about an ML definition that isnt limited to artificial intelligence. Theres certainly AI in areas such as natural language and some predictive arenas, but the inclusion of complex statistical analysis provided by procedural algorithms also provide insights that mean inclusion in ML.

In order to understand the broad opportunity for ML in the supply chain, we need to look separately at the two areas mentioned above.

Back in the 1980s, I worked on a manufacturing companys inventory system. The folks who built it only talked with accounting. It was great for accountants, but the user interface and data available were almost useless to the inventory people and that was in a single system. The problem has only become exponentially complex.

Data silos. IT professionals have been complaining about data silos for decades, and theyre still a problem. The goal of a consistent, complete, corporate view of data is still just that, a goal. ERP, CRM, and other systems still have multiple, redundant data items with different data types. Manufacturing data doesnt fit accounting data which doesnt match sales order systems.

In some ways, data moves more slowly than physical products, says Rob Bailey, CEO, BackboneAI. Breaking down the walls between data sources, and then aligning data to present a clear and accurate understanding of the supply chain is something that machine learning is addressing.

Lets use one example that is a necessary bane of product existence, the stock keeping unit (SKU). The SKU is a code to identify a specific type of product, and every company creates to track inventory. Note that every company, which well discuss in the next section. For the purposes of an organization, the growth of departments, divisions, and national branches, even a single product can have different SKUs in the multiple systems within an organization.

Mediating between multiple systems can include tens of thousands of SKUs, so identifying similar products is something that can go much faster with ML. Natural language processing (NLP) is useful for the rapid scanning of product descriptions and then probabilistic categorization can link separate SKUs to provide an overall picture of a single product. This can speed the creation of corporate metadata and the ability to provide a global picture of products.

As complex as the issue of product knowledge is within even a medium size organization, companies of all sizes are challenged by the sharing of data across the supply chain. One key segment of the chain is that between suppliers and distributors. This is often a many-to-many relationship and both sides want insight into the other. The distributors can struggle to keep their product details clear for all the suppliers, with major issues about catalog quality and timeliness. At the same time, suppliers want an accurate assessment of how their products are doing with each distributor, what the turnover is and if the distributors media accurately represents the products.

Companies such as Backbone AI are workingto help both sides. One of the initial struggles they see is the eternal one of IT: lack of resources. The IT organizations are so busy working to handle internal requests that external needs are often given lower priority. Machine learning can help both distributors and suppliers become more efficient, said Mr. Bailey. Analysis of public information can leverage the 80/20 rule, eliminating the large percentage of basic work and letting them focus, much faster, on the data that is left.

That web crawling is even more reliant on NLP than the aforementioned mediation between databases of SKUs. In addition, similar routines to categorize product information can be speed up with both statistical approaches and neural networks. That provides increased accuracy with a faster turnaround, helping increase the responsiveness of modern supply chains working to run in near real-time.

By automating large segments of data analysis and flow, ML, even when it is not doing anything novel, can provide efficiencies to corporations.

While ML is being applied to better tracking of products and information in the supply chain, theres one interesting area of growth. IoT is spreading, and on area its already connecting is in the trucking industry. More and more information is being captured during transportation. Rob Bailey mentioned something that could significantly help in the food industry.

We all know of many recalls of food product recalled because of problems such as e coli. However, its not only at the original where food can be spoiled. Refrigerated trucks and train cars are at the core of the modern food industry. Advances in IoT in those containers can provide information that tracks location of SKUs within a container, which can be combined with temperature and other data, then analyzed with ML, to help locate specific risks without creating unneeded food waste.

While the current focus is, naturally, on the difficult work on normalizing information within and across organizations, the next step, as IoT and connectivity increase in capabilities, is to stretch to eventually track products from raw material, through manufacturing, to the consumer. The supply chain is complex, and machine learning will be a critical tool in the continuing improvement of supply chain management.

Original post:
Unifying The Supply Chain With Machine Learning Organized Information, Increases Speed, And Improves Efficiency - Forbes

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