Amazon Releases A New Tool To Improve Machine Learning Processes – Forbes

One of Amazons most recent announcements was the release of their new tool called Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels. This advanced tool has the capability to improve machine learning on a whole new scale, allowing for better data analysis and object recognition.

Amazon Rekognition will help users train their machine learning models more easily and allow them to understand a set of objects out of limited data. In other words, this capability will make machines more intelligent and capable of recognizing items with far less data sets than ever before.

Employees stand near an The Amazon Inc. logo is displayed above the reception counter at the ... [+] company's campus in Hyderabad, India, on Friday, Sept. 6, 2019. Amazon's only company-owned campus outside the U.S. opened at the end of August on the other side of the globe, thousands of miles from their Seattle headquarters. The 15-storey building towers over the landscape in Hyderabad's technology and financial district, signaling the giant online retailer's ambitions to expand in one of the world's fastest-growing retail markets. Photographer: Dhiraj Singh/Bloomberg

The Benefits of Machine Learning with Amazon Rekognition

Machine learning includes a scientific study and adoption of algorithms that allow computers to learn new information and functionalities without needing direct instructions. In other words, machine learning can be understood as the capability of computers to learn on their own.

Thus far, machine learning models required large data sets in order to learn something new. For instance, if you wanted a device to recognize a chair as a chair, you would have to provide hundreds, if not thousands of pieces of visual evidence of what a chair looks like.

However, with Amazons new recognition tool, machine learning models will be able to work with very limited data sets and still effectively learn the difference between new objects and items.

Computers will now be able to recognize a group of object based on as little as ten images, which is a significant improvement compared to previous requirements. Amazon is slowly but surely stepping on a fresh and untrodden path of machine learning development.

Why Amazon Rekognition Matters

Having limited data to work with used to be a challenge in machine learning. Today, new models will be able to learn efficiently without large sets of data all thanks to Amazons recently announced tool.

Instead of having to train a model from scratch, which requires specialized machine learning expertise and millions of high-quality labeled images, customers can now use Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels to achieve state-of-the-art performance for their unique image analysis needs, announced Amazon in their blog post.

The new Amazon Rekognition featured on December 3rd and it is expected to bring significant changes to machine learning all throughout 2020. The release of the new tool also took place in the AWS re:Invent conference that was held in Las Vegas.

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Amazon Releases A New Tool To Improve Machine Learning Processes - Forbes

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