The Impact of Python: How It Could Rule the AI World? – insideBIGDATA

Holdyour head up high! The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machinelearning (ML) are poised to bring a new era of civilization and not destroythem.

Yet,theres fear that technology will displace the current workers or tasks, andthats partly true. As predicted by researches, the speed at which AI isreplacing jobs is bound to skyrocket, impacting the jobs of several workerssuch as factory workers, accountants, radiologists, paralegal, and truckers.

Shufflingand transformation of jobs around the workforce are being witnessed, thanks tothe technological epoch.

Buthey, were still far from Terminator.

What can be the odds?

The fear is good, perhaps it is only a matter of time before AI and automation will replace the jobs of millions of tech professionals. A 2018 report by the World Economic Forum suggested that around 75 million jobs will be displaced due to automation and AI in the next five years. The good news is, despite these many jobs will be replaced, at the same time, there will also be a creation of 133 million newer job roles for AI engineers and AI experts.

Simplysaid, within the next five years, there will be near about 58 million newer jobroles in the field of AI.

Insteadof worrying about AI and automation stealing your job, you should beconsidering how you need to reshape your career.

AI and ML in theworkplace: How prepared are you for the impact?

AIand machine learning projects are now leading every industry and sector intothe future of technological advancements. The question is, what are the bestways for you to bring these experiences into reality? What are the programminglanguages that can be used for machine learning and AI?

Thinkahead, you can start by considering Python for machine learning and AI.

But why Python?

Python is the foundational language for AI. However, the projects do differ from a traditional software project, thus, it is necessary to dive deeper into the subject. The crux of building an AI career is by learning Python a programming language that is loved by all because it is both stable and flexible. It is now widely used for machine learning applications and why not, it has become one of the best choices across industries.

Over here, we will list down why Python is the most preferred programming language by AI experts today:

Huge bundle of libraries/frameworks

Itis often a tricky task to choose what best fits while running an ML or an AIalgorithm. It is crucial to have the right set of libraries, a well-structuredenvironment for developers to come up with the best coding solution.

Toease their development timings, most developers rely on Python libraries andframeworks. In a software library, there are already pre-written codes that thedevelopers look up to solve programming challenges. This is where Pythonspre-existing extensive set of libraries play a major role in providing themwith the set of libraries and frameworks to choose from. To name a few are:

With these solutions, it gets easier for the developer to develop your product faster. Even so, the development team needs to waste time finding the libraries that will best suit their project. They can always use an existing library for the implementation of further changes.

Holds a strong community and wide popularity

Accordingto a developer survey Stack Overflow (2018), Python was seen to be among thetop most popular programming language amongst developers. This simply means,for every job that you seek in the job market, AI will always be one of theskillsets that they will look to hire for.

Itis also seen that there are nearly more than 140,000 online repositories thathave custom-built software packages of Python. For instance, Python librariessuch as SciPy, NumPy, and Matplotlib can easily be installed in a program thatruns on Python.

Pythonwas pointed out to be 2019s 8th fastest growing programminglanguage with a growth rate of 151% year on year.

Now, these packages used in machine learning helps AI engineers detect patterns from a large dataset. Pythons popularity is widely known that even Google uses this language to crawl web pages. Pixar, an animation studio uses it to produce movies. Surprisingly, even Spotify uses Python for song recommendation.

Within the past years, Python has managed to grow its community worldwide. You can find multiple platforms and forums where machine learning solutions are shared. For every problem, youve faced youll always find theres already someone who has been through with the same problem. Thus, it is easy to find solutions and guidance through this community.


This simply means, a programming language or a framework allows developers to implement things on a single machine learning, and the same can be used on another machine learning without further changing anything. The best factor about Python is that it is a language that is platform-independent and is supported by several other platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Python code can itself create a standalone program that is executable in most operating systems without even needing a Python interpreter.

Simple and most loved programming language

Python is said to be the simplest and the most consistent programming language offering readable code. While there are complex algorithms that stand along with machine learning, Pythons concise and easy readability allows AI professionals to write easy systems that are reliable. This allows the developers to solve complex machine learning problems instead of dealing with technical issues of the language.

Sofar Python is projected to be the only language that is easy for developers tolearn. Some say Python is intuitive as compared to other programming languages.While others believe, it is due to the number of libraries Python offers thatmakes it suitable for all developers to use.

In conclusion

Pythons power and ease of use has catapulted it to become one of the core languages to provide machine learning solutions. Moreover, AI and ML have been the biggest innovation so far ever since the launch of microchip, developing a career in this realm will pave a way toward the future of tomorrow.

About the Author

Michael Lyam is a writer, AI researcher, business strategist, and top contributor on Medium. He is passionate about technology and is inspired to find new ways to create captivating content. Michaels areas of expertise are: AI, machine learning, data science, and business strategy.

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The Impact of Python: How It Could Rule the AI World? - insideBIGDATA

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