Varner: Trials and tests of the First Amendment – Bloomington Pantagraph

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We interrupt this column Dad was 20 and driving near the farm and his we interrupt was Pearl Harbor. For me, it was Kennedy, Challenger and 9/11. This is not nearly at the same level, but I wrote what is below celebrating American freedom over the Fourth of July weekend and yesterday came the splash headlines of the Trump niece tell-all book.

President Donald Trump has recently failed twice to censor unfavorable writings. The 1960s case New York Times Co. vs. Sullivan is almost total protection for those who are critical of public figures. As discussed below, free speech is upfront and unambiguous. However, the 1789 French Declaration of the Rights of Man free speech waits until paragraph 11. It says it is one of the most precious of rights, but then lists exceptions to that freedom. In the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights, they get around to free speech in article 10. There are four lines on freedom and about a dozen lines on exceptions to free speech.

Now, on to what I wrote over the weekend. America, I am so proud to say, is the world leader, the beacon-on-the-hill of free speech. On the other side, one finds Cuba, North Korea and China giving them a run for the money for last place. Those governments would assay good social order is more important than irresponsible speech. We will see you dont have to be in Cuba to hear that line.

Review first, James Madison, the first sentence of the Bill of Rights: Congress shall make no Law abridging the freedom of Speech. The three dots are a hares HARES? on establishment of religion, and my German students went right for it that in 18th century English and modern German, nouns are capitalized. Free speech is not a gift from government, but an inalienable right that Congress dare not tread upon.

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Varner: Trials and tests of the First Amendment - Bloomington Pantagraph

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