Louisville police plan for militia group protest this weekend – ABC 36 News – WTVQ

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WHAS) Police are preparing for the weekend after multiple groups have announced plans to protest Saturday in Louisville.

We expect nothing but a peaceful protest this weekend, said Major Aubrey Gregory with LMPD.

LMPD said it will increase visible police presence in the area, and said officers will use bike rack barriers to keep opposing protesters separated on 5th Street.

Both are exercising their First Amendment rights to express those viewpoints, but were going to try and keep them separated on both sides of Fifth Street, Gregory explained.

A Black militia group, Not F***ing Around Coalition, has announced plans to participate in a formation Saturday. They wear all black and are armed with guns.

I welcome them, that dont intimidate me, said Rosie Henderson, who has spent her days at Jefferson Square Park since the start.

Henderson told WHAS11 News she is happy to see this movement continue to get national attention, but as the Black militia comes to town, she wants to make sure they embrace all of those looking for justice in Breonna Taylors death.

Our white allies are going to be right there marching with us. 502 is standing strong, united, together, she explained.

Gregory said hes been in touch with the NFACs leader, John Fitzgerald Johnson, also known as Grand Master Jay.

Hes told me that its going to be a peaceful protest, that they have no intention of causing damage or being violent, he wants to come to town, he has a message he wants to get out, he wants some answers.

Metro Council President David James said he has been in contact with the groups leader, as well as facilitated a conversation between the leader and Attorney General Daniel Camerons office.

James did say while he fully anticipates the demonstration to be peaceful, he said counter-protesters are a cause for concern.

I just think the potential for something to go wrong is there. I dont care what group it is, he said. My issue with that going wrong isnt necessarily with the group thats protesting at the time. Its with the counter-protesters that causes me more concern.

LMPD said it remains committed to peaceful expression of views under the First Amendment, saying there will not be police intervention as long as there is no threat to public or personal safety.

Henderson said she wont let any outside presence distract from or disrupt the mission protesters at Jefferson Square Park have fought for months.

At the end of the day theyre coming here for a moment, and were here forever, she said.

The Louisville Metro Police Department has also announced it will close multiple roads around Jefferson Square Park.

Starting at 8 a.m. Saturday, LMPD will close down :

Jefferson Street between 4th and 7th streets

Liberty Street between 5th and 7th streets

5th Street between Market Street and Muhammad Ali

6th Street between Market and Liberty streets.

Parking will also be prohibited on streets surrounding Jefferson Square Park.

Louisville police previously shut down roads and created barriers after rumors of an armed group of counter-protesters were coming to the city June 27. LMPD said protests that day remained peaceful after around 30 people gathered in Thurman Hutchins Park for a few hours but never came to downtown Louisville.

Originally posted here:

Louisville police plan for militia group protest this weekend - ABC 36 News - WTVQ

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