Letters to the editor: Book bans, teaching restrictions in public schools are un-American – Akron Beacon Journal

Speech restrictions are un-American

In Ohio and across the nation, state legislatures and school districts are banning books, limiting what can be taught in public schools and state universities, restricting the types of events that public librariescan host, and even saying that certain words can't be uttered in certain settings.

The people who are doing this are the same ones that yammer about Second Amendment rights while trampling the First Amendment.

This is what Nazis did; it is what Vladimir Putin does; it is not what we do in the United States ofAmerica.

Jim Kroeger, Fairlawn

After watching President Joe Bidens March 26 speech in Poland, I am reminded of lyrics from the U2 song Crumbs from your Table: where you live should not decide whether you live or whether you die. To allow thousands of Ukrainians to die because they are not a part of NATO, thus on the wrong side of the street, is so immoral. To say that Bidens speech ranks up there with those given in Europe by John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan is a joke; those great men did not cower to tyrants. May God have mercy on those in charge who think sanctions alone are the answer.

Randy Ley, Tallmadge

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Letters to the editor: Book bans, teaching restrictions in public schools are un-American - Akron Beacon Journal

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