Letter: A plea to our Holland community – Opinion – Monroe Evening News


In life, so much can be out of one's control. We all know tragedies hit without warning and alter life in very personal ways. During this unusual time, our community needs unprecedented teamwork that is in our control.

I boldly want to ask every church leader in our community to require every parishioner to wear a mask for indoor services. I know there will be some who believe that this would violate First Amendment rights. However, First Amendment rights do not give any of us liberty to endanger the well-being and life of another.

When I wear a mask, I am protecting you. When you wear a mask you are protecting me. When I watch videos of my 5- and 7-year-old grandchildren playing baseball and they are the only ones wearing masks, I ache. They are protecting others, but no one cares enough to protect them.

I believe all of our religious leaders could make this requirement in the name of saving lives. It is a small gesture and the best we have at the moment.

This is a plea from one Holland resident asking all our religious leaders to stand together. At times in life, courage and teamwork have to supersede individual preferences. I believe this is one of those times.

Peg Luidens


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Letter: A plea to our Holland community - Opinion - Monroe Evening News

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