A rebuttal to the argument on the First Amendment – The Paulding County Progress

Dear Editor,

I am responding to Rolland Myers letter to theeditor dated November 3rd. Mr. Myers contends that it is unlawful todisplay a flag that contains words that he finds offensive. He stateshis only interest is for our community not to be bombarded with vulgarlanguage, but privately you can curse like a sailor.

Unfortunately,in our society some curse words are used too often. Even if the areabbreviated the meaning is still understood. If you use Rolland Myersinterpretation of what he thinks is some court mandate as a guide tofree speech. I contend that Mr. Myers letter to the editor was equallyoffensive as the flag he complaints about. I counted twelveabbreviations to the word that offends him. Isnt the abbreviationsequally understood by the community and isnt the newspaper a publicforum? So, by Rolland Myers own standard he has broken the law bywriting a letter containing curse words, or is it okay to useabbreviated curse words?

Would the flag be tolerated if the curseword wasnt entirely spelled out? Is Mr. Myers and the newspaper bothguilty of contributing to the decline of our community through theprinting of such vulgar language.

If you think the sing should betaken down then you must also find equal fault with Rollands use ofthee the same words and the newspaper for printing Rollands letter. Ipersonally dont believe the words on the flag are the issue, especiallysince the same words (even though they are abbreviated) flow so easilyand profusely from Rollands finger tips.

So, what is the realissue about the flag? Maybe its the color, maybe the flag is just areason to write a letter and try to degrade someone with a differentpolitical point of view. Tucked away in all of Rolland Myers curse wordabbreviations is this phrase: this petty display of Trumptemperament.

The agenda of radical liberals is always the same,degrade everyone who doesnt agree with them and to use any method toaccomplish that goal.

Rolland (stop embarrassing yourself) if yourfree speech right can contain abbreviations of vulgar language - yourneighbors have the same right to their free speech. You seem to believeyour right is protected, but your neighbors isnt (typical liberal).

Keith Myers

Oakwood, Ohio


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A rebuttal to the argument on the First Amendment - The Paulding County Progress

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