Woz: Snowden is a hero and Apple is the purest of all

Speaking at CeBit in Germany, Apple's co-founder says he understands why some think Edward Snowden is a traitor, but he's not one of them. Moreover, he believes Apple is the purest of all the tech companies.

Speaking from the heart, as always.

I don't want to go all Apple vs. Microsoft on you, but we have a national security situation.

The eminences grises of these two famous companies have come out on opposing sides of one of today's great political debates.

Earlier this week, Microsoft's Bill Gates told Rolling Stone of Edward Snowden: "I think he broke the law, so I certainly wouldn't characterize him as a hero."

Just in case you didn't quite get what he was saying, he added: "You won't find much admiration from me."

However, on Thursday, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak seemed brimming with admiration.

As the Times Of India reports, he was speaking at the CeBit conference in Germany and offered this perspective: "He is a hero to me, but he may be a traitor to other people and I understand the reasons for them to think that way."

Why, then, should the NSA whistle-blower be seen as today's Robin Hood of information?

Woz continued: "I believe that Snowden believed, like I do, that the US has a right to freedom. He had the guts to and courage to sacrifice his life for a principle."

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Woz: Snowden is a hero and Apple is the purest of all

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