Why Does Anyone Listen to James Clapper Anymore? – PJ Media

James Clapper is evidently concerned Donald Trump is dangerous. The former director of national intelligence questions the president's "fitness for office" and believes he behaves in such an erratic manner that he might bomb North Korea and bring on Armageddon. Further, via Bridget Johnson:

Wow!... Well, Clapper should know something about "ethical voids." He also should have a good idea how long we will "endure" anything, nightmare or otherwise, because he knew what nearly every one of us said on the phone or wrote in our emails and texts at any time -- or could have found out, if he had wanted to, almost instantly.

This is clear although Clapper tried to hide the truth by telling one of the most egregious lies I have ever heard from the lips of an American official, a lie meant to cover up an action by our government so evil it makes the lies of Obama, Hillary, or Trump almost inconsequential. Virtually every U.S. citizen is now under some level of surveillance by our intelligence agencies -- our privacy is dead -- but James Clapper tried to deceive us all about it and make us think it isn't so.

But don't believe me. Believe Wikipedia, which seems to have it right in this instance:

When Edward Snowden was asked during his January 26, 2014, TV interview in Moscow what the decisive moment was or why he blew the whistle, he replied: Sort of the breaking point was seeing the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, directly lie under oath to Congress. ... Seeing that really meant for me there was no going back.[32]

Pretty stunning in the era of "unmaskings," no? How do you spell "creeping totalitarianism"? I'm no fan of Edward Snowden, but it's easy to see how a young man with his knowledge would react the way he did to the egregious prevarication by the director of national intelligence.

See the original post here:
Why Does Anyone Listen to James Clapper Anymore? - PJ Media

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