Where is Edward Snowden Now 2021? What did Snowden Do?

For many people, Edward Snowden is a hero and they believe that he did more for the freedom of free citizens than anyone else in recent history. For some, he is the biggest traitor that America has seen in the modern era. Few people have raised such opposing and violently clashing emotions and opinions as Edward Snowden has ever since he became the worlds biggest whistle-blower in 2013. Again whether he is a whistle-blower or not is a matter of individual opinion. Since 2013 the American government, their national security agencies particularly the NSA and the CIA, agitated members of the press, and a whole lot of American citizens have been working hard to punish Snowden and bring him to justice. The big problem is that they simply cant get their hands on Edward Snowden. He is not in America so they cant arrest him and put him on trial. Edward Snowden has been escaping from his American pursuers since 2013 when this cat-and-mouse game began. Its 2021 now and many people are asking Where is Edward Snowden now? They want to know Where is Edward Snowden today?

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Edward Snowden is a former computer intelligence consultant who was an employee and subcontractor for the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] in the early 2010s. Several members of Snowdens family have worked in senior government positions in America and he was a bit different from other kids from a young age. Though Snowden did not attend college he studied online and obtained a masters degree from the University of Liverpool, England, in 2011. He got interested in Japanese culture, studied the Japanese language, got interested in martial arts, studied Buddhism, and later worked in an anime company at its branch in the USA. In 2006 he applied for and got a job at the global communications division of the CIA at its headquarters in Langley, Virginia. He later got disillusioned with the CIA and quit his job. He then began working as a subcontractor for the CIA and he had access to thousands of documents that detailed the covert activities of the NSA and the CIA.

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What did Edward Snowden do? On May 20, 2013, Snowden got on a flight to Hong Kong after leaving his job at the NSA facility in Hawaii without informing anybody including his then-girlfriend Lindsay Mills. Then in June 2013 he revealed thousands of secret and classified NSA documents to journalists from major publications including The Washington Post and The Guardian. All hell broke loose. People were outraged at the sensational disclosures in these documents that revealed that the American government was conducting mass surveillance and obtaining private information about American citizens among others. The American government acted swiftly and on June 21, 2013, the United States Department of Justice charged Snowden with two counts of violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and deliberate theft of property of the American government.

So where is Edward Snowden in 2021? According to the latest reports, Edward Snowdens current location is in Russia. In June 2013 Edward Snowden flew into Russia to escape the authorities in Hong Kong and he has remained there ever since. Russia granted Snowden the right to asylum in 2013 and extended it every year. In October 2020, Russia granted permanent residency to Snowden and he makes a living now by speaking to civil rights activists and students both in Russia and abroad using the Internet and video link-ups. Even though he is not allowed to leave Russia he has the freedom to travel anywhere he wants inside the vast nation. Lindsay Mills joined Snowden in Moscow, Russia, in 2014 and later married him. They had a baby boy in December 2020 and he has been given Russian citizenship by the Russian authorities.

The Edward Snowden leaks marked a watershed in government surveillance programs and for the first time, the American security apparatus was forced to explain itself to the general public. They have not forgiven Edward Snowden for this and perhaps never will. While Snowden maintains that he leaked this information to inform the American public about what is done in their name and how the government is secretly working against them, the people who disagree with him have called him a traitor and criminal. The American government is constantly trying to bring him back to America and face justice and Snowden has claimed that they simply want him gone. Over the years several TV programs, TV shows, documentaries, and films have been made on Snowdens life and his actions and the debate about him continues. He is currently safe in Moscow, Russia, and the strongman of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is standing up to the American government. Nobody knows how long this will last and Edward Snowden continues to live his life in Russia constantly looking back over his shoulder to see if his past catches up with him one fateful day!

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Where is Edward Snowden Now 2021? What did Snowden Do?

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