The Community Reacts To Edward Snowden On Twitter (2019-11-12) – Global Real News

Hola! Today we did a serious analysis of Edward Snowdens Twitter activity. So lets do it. These are the main things: as of 2019-11-12, Edward Snowden (@Snowden) has 4171034 Twitter followers, is following 1 people, has tweeted 4424 times, has liked 301 tweets, has uploaded 372 photos and videos and has been on Twitter since December 2014.

Going from top to bottom, their latest tweet, at the time of writing, has 56 replies, 179 retweets and 1,346 likes, their second latest tweet has 6 replies, 108 reweets and 275 likes, their third latest tweet has 31 replies, 119 retweets and 1,026 likes, their fourth latest tweet has 3 replies, 80 retweets and 344 likes and their fifth latest tweet has 2 replies, 73 retweets and 196 likes. (We could keep going, but we think you get the idea )


Going through Edward Snowdens last couple-dozen tweets (including retweets), the one we consider the most popular, having let to a very nice 161 direct replies at the time of writing, is this:

That looks to have caused quite a bit of discussion, having also had 2642 retweets and 5810 likes.


Now what about Edward Snowdens least popular tweet as of late (again, including retweets)? We have concluded that its this one:

That only had 2 direct replies, 73 retweets and 196 likes.


We did a huge amount of of research into Edward Snowdens Twitter activity, looking through what people are saying in response to them, their likes/retweet numbers compared to the past, the amount of positive/negative responses and so on. We wont drone on and on about the numbers, so our verdict is this: we believe the online sentiment for Edward Snowden on Twitter right now is good, and most people like them.

Thats it for now. Thanks for coming, and write a comment if you disagree with me. However, we wont publish anything overly rude.

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The Community Reacts To Edward Snowden On Twitter (2019-11-12) - Global Real News

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