Scottish Nationalist Proposes Asylum For NSA Whistle-Blower Edward Snowden

Scottish supporters of Edward Snowden say an independent Scotland shouldoffer political asylum to the man whose disclosure of classified NSA documents revealed pervasive U.S. surveillance around the world.

Members of theScottish parliament (MSPs) have considered a call for the former NSA contractor, who is currently being sheltered in Russia, to be given political asylum in Scotland if voters opt for independence in September's referendum.

Mick Napier, a former university lecturer, put forward a petition to the Scottish parliament's Public Petitions Committee, saying Snowden was owed a "debt of gratitude" for his actions and that hosting him would be an "honor for Scotland."

"Edward Snowden has revealed information to us that we would not otherwise know. It is of significance to every single citizen in Scotland," Napier said.

"He acted out of the purest of motives and an offer of asylum to the man by an independent Scottish government -- an offer made today conditional upon an outcome in September -- would itself be news and would allow the members of this committee to strike a blow for a private life for all of us."

Committee members expressed "sympathy" with Snowden's situation, with the ruling Scottish National Party's John Wilson even going as far as saying that he would make the offer now if Scotland had the power.

The proposals were greeted with fury by U.S. officials, with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., saying Scotland should be more grateful toAmerica for "saving" Europe from the Nazis during World War II.

Speaking to the Scottish Sunday Express, Rogers said, "I am confounded that a close ally would consider granting asylum to a traitor whose leaks of military secrets have placed American and allied troops at risk, including Scottish soldiers serving proudly in Afghanistan.

"America and its allies bore great costs saving Western Europe, including Scotland, from the Nazis in World War II. The former NSA contractor should walk away from Vladimir Putin's embrace and face criminal charges in the United States for betraying his country."

Scottish politicians said further consideration of the petition would be deferred until after the referendum on Sept. 18.

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Scottish Nationalist Proposes Asylum For NSA Whistle-Blower Edward Snowden

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