Edward Snowden ‘robot’ helps epileptic journalist at ACLU …

A journalist recently woke to the soothing voice of Edward Snowden walking his attorney in New York through her epileptic seizure.

The flickering of a video screen had triggered a seizure in Julia Prosinger, a German reporter for Der Tagesspiegel, as she spoke to Edward Snowden on a Skype call.

Snowden then told his American Civil Liberties Union attorney Ben Wizner, who was sitting with Prosinger in New York, how to help her citing his own epilepsy as experience.

The exiled whistleblower recognized the medical emergency all the way from Moscow during the call, which was channeled through a telepresence robot.

The 'bot is at the ACLU office in lower Manhattan, where Snowden can talk constitutional law, meet with journalists and even get a view of the Statue of Liberty.

"He's used it to roll out into the hallway and generally interact with large numbers of ACLU staff," Wizner told Wired.

That day, Snowden also used it to tell Wizner what to do when Julia Prosinger fainted in the ACLU office.

Prosinger had been explaining German politics to Snowden when the flicker of his video screen spurred the seizure.

She woke up with her head resting on a bean bag and her body "in the recovery position," Prosinger wrote in a June 10 article translated to English. Snowden also instructed Wizner to grab a glass of juice for her.

The seizure nearly knocked Prosinger into a set of metal filing cabinets, but Snowden had Wizner get her away from the hard surface before she hurt herself.

More here:
Edward Snowden 'robot' helps epileptic journalist at ACLU ...

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