Edward Snowden Reacts To Elon Musk’s ‘Pardon’ Poll: ‘That’s A Very Big …

Edward Snowden has been left impressed by a poll conducted by Twitter CEO Elon Musk on the platform.What Happened: Musks poll asking his nearly 120 million followers on the platform resulted in 3.31 million votes. 80.5% of those who voted said Wikileaks founder Julian Assange along with Snowden should be pardoned.

Snowden said on the poll, That is a very big number.

Why It Matters: Musk said that he was not expressing an opinion when he ran the poll over the weekend.

Snowden said earlier that he and Assange were charged under a law that was aimed at the prevention of fair trials, according to a prior report. Both men are wanted by authorities in the United States for leaking classified information.

The former National Security Agency contractor is now a Russian citizen and a fugitive from U.S. law enforcement. Assange is awaiting extradition to the U.S. in the United Kingdom.

Read Next: Edward Snowden Responds To NSA's Call For Former Workers To Come Back: 'Thanks, I'll Pass'

Photocourtesy: Gage Skidmore on Wikimedia

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Edward Snowden Reacts To Elon Musk's 'Pardon' Poll: 'That's A Very Big ...

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