Edward Snowden makes bizarre appearance at TED talk as a robot on a TV screen as he claims governments want him dead

Former NSA contractor lauded as a 'hero' by Sir Tim Berners-Lee Sir Tim spoke of a Magna Carta for the internet to enshrine web freedom Snowden claimed that he did not want to harm governments Boasted of taking on world's powerful intelligence agencies and winning

By Paul Donnelley

PUBLISHED: 11:07 EST, 19 March 2014 | UPDATED: 14:57 EST, 19 March 2014

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has made a surprise appearance as a speaker at the Technology Entertainment and Design (TED) conference in Vancouver, Canada, claiming that certain governments wanted him dead.

Snowden appeared on-stage via a screen alongside Sir Tim Berners-Lee, created with the invention of the World Wide Web, who was putting forward his vision of a Magna Carta for the internet that would enshrine the right to web freedom.

"It is no mystery that there are governments out there that want to see me dead," Snowden told the conference. "I don't want to harm any governments but they cannot ignore due process."

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World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee welcomes whistleblower Edward Snowden via videolink

"A Magna Carta is exactly what we need. We need to encode our values in the structure of the Internet. By engaging the people who rely on it every day we will get a better internet and build a better future than we can imagine."

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Edward Snowden makes bizarre appearance at TED talk as a robot on a TV screen as he claims governments want him dead

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