Edward Snowden leaks cost lives, say experts as extremists ‘changed their tactics’

Former admiral said terrorists had learned from Snowden's revelations He says people are dying as a result of more sophisticated data encryption Called for reintroduction of bill dubbed 'snooper's charter' by opponents

By Ian Drury

Published: 18:24 EST, 25 November 2014 | Updated: 19:48 EST, 25 November 2014



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Lives are being lost to terrorists because Edward Snowden hampered security service operations, according to terror experts.

Lord West, a former admiral who served as UK security minister until 2010, warned that extremists changed their tactics after the US fugitive leaked details of intelligence agency operations with fatal results.

Raymond Kelly, a former New York Police Department commissioner, also said that leaks from Snowden had caused huge damage.

People that I know, certainly in the US government, say that this is the worst leak that they are aware of, he said. The damage is significant and ongoing and you can see it has also damaged relations between the US and other countries.

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Edward Snowden leaks cost lives, say experts as extremists 'changed their tactics'

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