Edward Snowden: Comic book superhero?

Edward Snowden greeted warmly at SXSW

Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and NSA whistleblower spoke via video conference to the attendees of South by Southwest Interactive, reports CNBC's Josh Lipton.

The Snowden bio-comic was written by Valerie D'Orazio, who has written for Marvel Comics' "Punisher" series, with art by Dan Lauer. D'Orazio believes the project shows "a side of Edward Snowden the public has never really seen before." (Meanwhile, the FBI would like to see any side or sign of Snowden, period.)

What do we learn? That Snowden liked ponies, martial arts, Japanese food, guns and girls. "And I like my lamer friends!" says a youngish bespectacled Snowden, who looks a bit like Harry Potter. That impression is only reinforced when Snowden is shown wearing a wizard's hat on another page.

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This is not the first potentially controversial graphic novel Bluewater Productions has published. Previous comics tracked figures like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

"We were doing this before the 'Bridgegate' issue, so we had to keep adding to it as we were doing it," Davis told CNBC. He said the company's most successful hot-topic comic so far was "Killing Geronimo: The Hunt for Bin Laden," which Davis said ran 96 pages. The company sold 25,000 copies.

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Edward Snowden: Comic book superhero?

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