What is Cryptography? Types of Algorithms & How Does It Work?

With the growing worry of losing ones privacy. The safety of consumers is at an all-time high. Technology has made our lives so much easier whilestill delivering a basic measure of assurance for our personal information. It is critical to learn how to protect our data and stay up with the emerging technology.

Lets have a look at the topics that will be discussed in this blog.

Before going any further, have a look at this video, in which our Cybersecurity specialists go over every detail of the technology.

Cryptography is the study of encrypting and decrypting data to prevent unauthorized access. The ciphertext should be known by both the sender and the recipient. With the advancement of modern data security, we can now change our data such that only the intended recipient can understand it.

Cryptography allows for the secure transmission of digital data between willing parties. It is used to safeguard company secrets, secure classified information, and sensitive information from fraudulent activity, among other things. Crypto means hidden and graph means writing.

Encryption is a fundamental component of cryptography, as it jumbles up data using various algorithms. Data encryption is the method of undoing the work done by encrypting data so that it can be read again. Cryptography is dependent on both of these methods.

In cryptography, a plaintext message is converted to ciphertext when using a technique, or a combination of numerical computations, that appear incomprehensible to the untrained eye.

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Cryptography is classified into two categories based on the types of keys and encryption algorithms:

Lets take a closer look at each type.

Also known as Secret Key Cryptography, private key encryption encrypts data using a single key that only the sender and receiver know. The secret key must be known by both the sender and the receiver, but should not be sent across the channel; however, if the hacker obtains the key, deciphering the message will be easier. When the sender and the receiver meet on the handset, the key should be addressed. Although this is not an ideal method. Because the key remains the same, it is simpler to deliver a message to a certain receiver. The data encryption framework (DES Algorithm) is the most widely used symmetric key system.

For instance, Tom is sending a message to Mary that he does not want anyone else to see. Hed like to encrypt his message. That is simply because Tom and Mary exchange the same key. They will use the same key for encrypting and decrypting. Heres how it works: First, Tom encrypts his signal with his key. His message has now been encrypted and scrambled. It cant be read by anyone. When Mary receives the encrypted message, she decrypts it with the same key so she can read it in plaintext.

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Asymmetric key cryptography, also known as public-key cryptography, consists of two keys, a private key, which is used by the receiver, and a public key, which is announced to the public. Two different keys are used in this method to encrypt and decrypt the data. These two distinct keys are mathematically linked. They are sold in pairs. The public key is accessible to anyone, whereas the private key is only accessible to the person who generates these two keys.

For example, Bob wants to send an encrypted message to Alice, and they agree to encrypt his message using public-key encryption. The receiver initiates public key encryption to encrypt the senders message. The receiver, not the sender, initiates the public key method to encrypt the senders message. Everyone has access to the public key. The receiver, Alice, is the only one who has access to the private key. The following is how it works:

Step 1: Alice generates two keys: one public and one private. Alice stores the public key on a public key server that anyone can access.

Step 2: Alice informs Bob of the location of her public key.

Step 3: Bob obtains Alices public key by following Alices instructions.

Step 4: Bob composes a message and encrypts it with Alices public key. Bob sends Alice the encrypted message via the network.

Step 5: Alice decrypts Bobs message using her private key.

Although Alices private key can confirm that no one read or changed the document while it was in transit, it cannot confirm the sender. Because Alices public key is available to the public, anyone can use it to encrypt his document and send it to Alice while posing as Bob. The digital signature is another technique that is required to prove the sender.

A digital signature is equivalent to a handwritten signature. It is an electronic verification of the sender. Digital signatures are commonly used for software distribution, financial transactions. The digital signature serves three purposes:

Lets look at an example of cryptography to see what it is:

Samuel wishes to communicate with his colleague Yary, who is currently residing in another country. The message contains trade secrets that should not be accessed or seen by any third party. He sends the message via a public platform such as Skype or WhatsApp. The foremost aim is to create a secure connection.

Assume Evy, a hacker who has obtained access to the message. Evy can now change or corrupt the message before it reaches Yary. Evy alters the message that Yary receives. Neither Samuel nor Yary are aware of the underground work. The outcomes are dreadful.

Now, cryptography can help. It can aid in the security of the connection between Samuel and Yary.

Now that we understand what cryptography is, let us learn how cryptography aids in the security of messages.

Samuel first converts a readable message or Plain text into a series of digits using various cryptographic algorithms to protect the message. He then encrypts the message with a key. The ciphertext is a term used in cryptography. Samuel uses the internet to send an encrypted message to Yary. If Evy gains access to it and modifies the message before it reaches Yary. Yary now requires a key to decrypt Samuels message. The message can be converted from cipher text to plain text using the decryption key.

Because Evy altered the plain text, the result of the decryption will be the original plain text as an error.

The error indicates that the message has been changed and is no longer the original message. As a result, encryption is critical for secure communication.

Plain text is simply a human-readable message, text, or information.

Cipher text- It is the output of the input plain text that gets converted after the encryption process. Basically, Cipher text is a type of plain text that is unreadable.

The history of cryptography finds its roots in Egypt around 4000 years ago. The Egyptians used hieroglyphics, the oldest cryptography technique, to communicate with each other. Later, in 500 BC, the technique was modified by replacing the characters with alphabets based on some secret rule known to only a few. This rule came to be known as the key to decipher hidden codes or messages.

Later, in the 15th century, more sophisticated techniques evolved such as Vigenere cipher and coding machines like the Enigma rotor machine. Years later, cryptography was born!

The functioning of cryptography revolves around cryptographic algorithms. Cryptographic algorithms or ciphers are mathematical functions that are combined with keys, such as phrase, digit, word, etc., to encrypt text. The effectiveness depends on the strength of the cryptographic algorithms and the secrecy level of the key.

Multiple complex combinations of algorithms and keys boost the effectiveness of a cryptosystem.

Some major techniques of Cryptography are listed below:

Also, look into our blog on Hill Cipher and learn more about cipher!

Cryptography algorithms are the means of altering data from a readable form to a protected form and back to the readable form. Cryptographic algorithms are used for important tasks such as data encryption, authentication, and digital signatures.

RSA is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. RSA Algorithm that works on a block cipher concept that converts plain text into ciphertext and vice versa at the receiver side. If the public key of User A is used for encryption, we have to use the private key of the same user for decryption.

Step 1: Select two prime numbers p and q where p not equal to q.

Step 2: Calculate n= p*q and z=(p-1)*(q-1)

Step 3: Choose number e: Such that e is less than n, which has no common factor (other than one) with z.

Step 4: Find number d: such that (ed-1) is exactly divisible by 2.

Step 5: Keys are generated using n, d, and e

Step 6: Encryption

c=m pow(e) mod n

(where m is plain text and c is ciphertext)

Step 7: Decryption

m= c pow(d) mod n

Step 8: Public key is shared and the private key is hidden.

Note: (e, n) is the public key used for encryption. (d, n) is the private key used for decryption

The RSA algorithm has the drawback of being quite inefficient in cases in which large volumes of data must be authenticated by the same virtual machine. A foreign entity must substantiate the dependability of authentication tokens. Data is routed through middlemen, who may corrupt with the cryptosystem.

Data Encryption Standard is a symmetric cipher algorithm and uses the block cipher method for encryption and decryption. DES is the landmark in cryptographic algorithms. It works based on Fiesta Cipher Structure.

DES operates on a plaintext block of 64 bits and returns ciphertext of the same size.

Step 1: Sub-key Generation

Step 2: Encryption

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Advantages of Cryptography

Disadvantages of Cryptography

There are two types of cryptography attacks, passive and active attacks.

In a passive attack, the intruder can only see the private data but can hardly make any changes to it or alter it. Passive attacks are more dangerous because the intruder only sees the message without altering it. Then no one will ever know that an attack is taking place, and their hidden messages will no longer be hidden.

In this type of attack, the intruder can alter the private data.

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Cybersecurity has continued to evolve into one of the most innovative technologies. Both Cybersecurity and cryptography are interrelated.

Cryptography is now being used to hold confidential data, including private passwords, secure online. It is now used by cybersecurity experts to foster innovation, ciphertext, as well as other protective measures that enforce but also insulate business and personal info.

With the growing worry of losing ones privacy. The safety of consumers is at an all-time high. Cryptography is the study of encrypting and decrypting data to prevent unauthorized access. The ciphertext should be known by both the sender and the recipient.

Cybersecurity has continued to evolve into one of the most innovative technologies.

At these significant stages, cryptography comes to the rescue. Having a solid foundation in cryptography basics allows us to secure our confidential data.

Whether youd like to gain knowledge on cybersecurity for your personal use or your new career, you can sign up for a beginner lesson to provide you with a fundamental insight into the prevailing scene of data security.

Please leave all your cybersecurity issues in the Intellipaat Cybersecurity community.

See the article here:
What is Cryptography? Types of Algorithms & How Does It Work?

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