Protect your privacy with cybersecurity and cryptography – Geeky Gadgets

If you would like to learn more about how to protect yourself or teach your students how to stay safe online. You might be interested know that the recent Hello World magazine created by the team over at the Raspberry Pi Foundation features articles on security issues and the ethics and legalities of hacking, advice about teaching cybersecurity to primary-school children, and an introduction to quantum cryptography.

Other articles and features within the Hello World Issue 18 digital magazine which is now available to download for free include using computational methods to analyze literature, developing computational thinking skills through Japanese logic puzzles, top tips for representing computing at school open days.

We also share some fantastic ideas for making this topic as hands-on as possible, including through using network robots, using tools and techniques used by real-life penetration testers, and by taking part in a capture the flag competition.

For the worried, there is absolutely no coding involved in this resource; the machine behind the portal does the hard work for you. For my Year 9 classes (students aged 13 to 14) undertaking a short, three-week module, this was ideal. The coding is important, but was not my focus. For this module, Im more concerned with the fuzzy end of AI, including how credible AI decisions are, and the elephant-in-the-room aspect of bias and potential for harm.

Source : RPiF

Protect your privacy with cybersecurity and cryptography - Geeky Gadgets

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