Dogecoin Looks to Expand Reach with Tipping App on Facebook

The DogeTipping Bot will allow you to give dogecoin to any of your friends directly from your wall or theirs.

Dogecoin's aim to become "theinternet currency" will be helped by the launch of an updated Facebook app allowing people to tip friends in dogecoin on the world's largest social network.

The updated Dogecoin Tipping appis still in its experimental phase but will now allow anyone who already owns dogecoin to tip or transfer some of the cryptocurrency to one of their friends directly from their wall.

As well as being an easy way to transfer the meme-based cryptocurrency from one person to another, the bigger potential for dogecoin and its very active community is to spread word of the cryptocurrency to a much bigger audience.

In order to get started, you will need to authorise the app on the official page so your Facebook profile becomes connected. Once connected, you'll get a unique dogecoin wallet address, in which you can deposit any amount of dogecoin you want to tip.

There are then a couple of ways in which you can send dogecoin to your friends. The first is to go to the GiveDogesTo groupand start tipping your friends or other people.

The second is to invoke what is called the Dogetipping Bot, which allows you to send the cryptocurrency directly from your own wall or a friend's wall.

If the person you are tipping is not a user of the app, it will send them a notification. When the tip is accepted, the person gets a wallet address and full access to use their coins on the app or transfer them to some other wallet.


However some users on Reddit believe it is irresponsible for the developers of the app to release itat this stage, as it is unknown how Facebook is going to react.

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Dogecoin Looks to Expand Reach with Tipping App on Facebook

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