Apple approves Dogecoin app after removing Bitcoin app

In what is most likely not an official endorsement of one cryptocurrency over another, and rather just a coincidence, Apple has approved a Dogecoin app for iOS the same week it removed the last Bitcoin trading app from the App Store.

The app, dubbed MyDoge, has perhaps avoided Apples wrath by primarily being a wallet and value monitoring app trading cryptocurrency is not possible. For just a wallet app, though, it does come with a load of features. Aside from monitoring your wallet and the fluctiating value of a Dogecoin, you can also access the Dogecoin subrerddit, which acts as both a satire of cryptocurrency trading, and a valuable source of Dogecoin information.Adding a wallet to the app is easy as well, as you can simply scan the wallets QR code, and there isnt a cap on how many wallets you can add.

User reviews suggest the interface is clean and responsive, and the app also disseminates information in an easy-to-view style. Not only does the app show how much balance you have in your Dogecoin wallets, but it compares the price of a Dogecoin to that of a Bitcoin, the price of a Bitcoin to that of a Litecoin, and the dollar exchange rate of them all.

Thats all there is to the app, and its read-only nature could be why Apple hasnt nuked it off the store. It appears that the only version of MyDoge isavailable for iOS no Android version at the moment. While MyDoge doesnt allow any trading, its still one of the best ways to Shibe as you go, that is, unless you have an actual Shiba Inu to take with you on your journeys.

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Apple approves Dogecoin app after removing Bitcoin app

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