Cryptocurrency Market The World’s Leading Authority On …

ATTENTION! Investors,Traders,Hedge Funds, Private Portfolio Managers, Professional Athletes, & Housewife Investors Who WantTo Make Life Changing ProfitsIn Cryptocurrency Investing! Finally, The Ultimate, Most Complete,& Highly Anticipated

In 2012, I discovered the bitcoin whitepaper while working at an energy brokerage firm that operated a bitcoin mining farm. I did not understand the computer math and coding in the whitepaper so I asked my good friendLeon Fu Dot Com (we call him that because he is a professional software engineer and real nerdy techie) to help me verify that bitcoin really works.

Leon Fu Dot Com started investing in bitcoins and litecoins after reading the whitepaper and immediately made some really nice profits so that encouraged me to start investing in bitcoins as well. We realized it was like the internet dot com boom of the 1990s again and we wanted to get an early mover advantage to make some massive Life Changing Profits!

2. How did you learn to invest in cryptocurrencies?

Leon Fu Dot Com had dabbled instocks and options investing and I had experience in trading stocks, futures and the forex markets so we thought we had an advantage when we first started to invest in cryptocurrencies (aka, cryptos). We were totally wrong andgot slaughtered in 2013! We made a ton of ugly, reckless, & bonehead mistakes and almost lost everything and gave up on crypto but we had never seen an asset in human history grow over 1,000,000%before like bitcoin so we were determined not to give up!!!

Plus, we were passionately motivated to leave our 9 to 5 job and stop working for the man and be a slave to the almighty alarm clock again because working for an hourly wage was NOT the recipe to making Life Changing Moneyso wepushed ourselves to figure it out and learn from our past mistakes & failures which led us tosome BIG breakthroughs including:

Certain traditional investing strategies ALWAYS caused you to lose bucket loads of money in crypto! Certain traditional investing strategiesworked amazingly better than others. Certain cryptos such as Ethereum displayed very obvious traits of success long before they became a big hit. Even better we noticed that when you combine certain investing strategies, it dramatically increased your profits!

After carefully analyzing our successes and failures, Leon Fu Dot Com and Icame across a HUGE game changer & discovered that there were 5 common traits to all the cryptocurrencies that hit it big.

Westarted to share our crypto insights and discoveries on YouTube and others started to follow and havetremendous success as well. Before you know it, we started to get thousands of newsubscribers and a flood of requests for us to teach what we know about cryptocurrency investing to others.

We never expected random strangers from around the world to contact us and ask us to invest their money for themafter watching us on YouTube so we had to respectfully decline everyones requests to manage their money sincewe are NOT licensed financial advisors. Afterwards, we started getting requests from viewers asking us to teach them privatelyabout cryptocurrency investing but we did nottake it seriously because we genuinely thought they were just joking around or trolling (harassing) us. However, after talking toseveral viewers who contacted us privately to seek coaching & mentoring, we started to realize that our viewers requests to teach them our crypto investing system and methodologies werereal and that is how we created theCryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp.

We did not realize that there were thousands of beginning,uneducated and uninformed crypto investors out there who were struggling to figure out cryptocurrency investinglike we did. Therefore, dont be frustrated if you are struggling with cryptocurrency investing because you are NOT alone! Its NOT just you! Our advice is to get properly educated so you cantake advantage of the Life Changing Profit potential in cryptocurrency investing before it becomes mainstream in 2-3 years and there is no opportunities left to make Life Changing Money anymore.

Absolutely we have proof that our system works! We have a firm belief that documentation trumps conversation! Let me show you the documentation (proof)so you can see that its not just all conversation.

PROOF #1 Here is a video documenting how Leon Fu Dot Com clearly predicted that Factom will reach $3.50 back when it was still only trading at a low of $1.20:

Factom exploded over 3,000% (30X) in growthfrom $1.20 to a high of $36.32 on June 23, 2017 just 15 months after we released the video price prediction above on April 13, 2016:

PROOF #2 Using the analysis strategies we teach in the bootcamp, Leon Fu Dot Com made an assessment that buyingEthereum Classic (ETC) in March 2017 was a better potential for profit than Ethereum (ETH) and it turned out to be true because ETC went up 327% (3X)while ETH only moved up 136%.

PROOF #3 Based on my analysis of bitcoin in Oct 2016 I suggested bitcoin was at a good buy level which yielded a phenomenal 345% of Life Changing Profits in just 8 months!

PROOF #4Here is another tweet & chart documenting my analysis of Monero which resulted in a quick 165% of Life Changing Profits in just 9 weeks:

As you can see, this is just a small sample documentation to show that our crypto investing strategies work and that we are not just all conversation.

The Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp is a private, 4 day, hands on comprehensive crypto investing workshop whereLeon Fu Dot Com and I will personally hold your hand and teach you everything we know about how to get started and become a consistently profitable cryptocurrency investorby showing youexactly how to find the most profitable cryptocurrencies that will give you the highest potential to make 100-1,000% of Life Changing Profits. There will be lots of hands on practice so that we can check to make sure you do it correctly in front of us before you go home and safely do it on your own portfolio.

How to eliminate the 3 mental barriers to crypto investing success. The crypto investors worth following online. The 10 key advantages of investing in cryptos vs. traditional investing. The 7 key disadvantages of investing in cryptos vs. traditional investing. 9 stupid & silly myths that dont make you money in crypto investing. The 8 common traits of successful cryptocurrency investors. The 5 key components of the Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp that makes it different from any other program. How to AVOID these bonehead mistakes that cost us over $500k! The 6 foolproof ways to shortcut your way to crypto investing success. The 4 essential secrets to learning cryptocurrency investing fast!

How to select the appropriate RAM, Solid State Drive, CPU, hard drive connector, monitors, & necessary computer hardware for crypto investing, mining, & staking. How to choose thecorrect computer softwares such as operating systems, screenshot softwares, spreadsheets, etc. needed for crypto investing. Where to buy your computers & monitors to get the most value for your money.

How to choose the right cryptowallet based on your needs. How to choose the right cryptowallet based on your computing device. The 4 critical components to safely store & secure your cryptos. How to use a password manager to protect your crypto passwords. How to use two factor authentication to secure your cryptos. How to safely send and receive your first bitcoins & NOT lose them. How to send and receive bitcoins from another person. How to send and receive bitcoins from an exchange. How to send and receive any crypto from anyone or anywhere.

The 5 types of crypto exchange that every investor MUST use. The 5 criteria for selecting a good cryptocurrency exchange. How to set up a new cryptocurrency trading account. How to connect your bank account to your crypto account. How to test your new crypto account.

How to set up your cryptocurrency price charts & watchlists. How to choose & submit the correct BUY and SELL orders to get your orders filled correctly and not get slipped. Howto quickly get in and out of a trade during a fast moving market using a Hybrid Market Limit order. How to create automated set & forget BUY & SELL orders that will automatically buy or sell your cryptos for you even when you are asleep or away from your computer so that your crypto investments are protected. How to put in stop loss orders to protect your investments.

You will learn the traditional trading & investing tools that :

Work very well in the cryptocurrency market, Do NOT work very well in the cryptocurrency market, Needs to be avoided like the plague, or Needs to be modified to work effectively in the crypto market.

You will also learn the new and astonishing crypto analytical tools that we developed specifically just for the cryptocurrency market to help you:

Easily find low risk ENTRIES that minimize your risk & gives you an edge over everyone else as well as Effortlessly calculate high probability EXITS that gives you an unfair profit advantage.

You will learn how to systematically filter & tune out the market noise from hundreds of cryptocurrencies screaming for attention & choose the highest probability cryptocurrencies with the lowest risk and highest potential to generate massive Wall Street Insider like profits by understanding the 5 Key Traits of a Profitable Cryptocurrency. This module is designed to pull you away from the blind, ignorant, uneducated, emotional & predictable, sheep like, herd like mentality of amateur crypto investors and place you in the realm of a professional, educated, & systematic crypto investor who knows how to invest and make life changing profits like a Wall Street insider while residing on Main Street. You will learn The VC MAN Method that we developed through trial and error that allows you to systematically identify the legitimate and A Tier cryptocurrencies worth investing in (that are not scams) by identifying the 5 Key Traits of a Profitable Cryptocurrency.

You will learn some highly effective & battle tested cryptocurrency investing strategies that you can constantly use over and over to generate potentially HUGE PROFITS because they have been proven to be consistently profitable! Also, you will learn the silly crypto investing strategies that are highly discussed & debated in the crypto forums & troll boxes and appear to be very enticing, lucrative and profitable on the surface but do not really make you any money, creates a lot of frustration, will lose you a ton of money and just a plain waste of your time & capital. You want to AVOID these nasty & unprofitable crypto investing strategies at all cost! After the training in this module, you will have a proven, systematic, effective & highly profitable, ready to go set of cryptocurrency strategies in your investing toolbox so you no longer have to waste time on the internet searching for gimmicky & unproven investing strategies during your bedtime and waste time wondering if they will work or not.

You will learn when is the best time to get in a trade to drastically reduce your risk using our proprietary & simple to learn, 4 StepEntry Method so that you have a methodical, consistent, and reliable approach to enter the market so that its not a guessing game. Learnhow to be precise & confident with your ENTRIES so you dont have to depend on others to figure it out for you. After the training, you will no longer need to ask annoying questions like, WHEN do I get in? or WHERE do I get in? anymore. Basically, you will be able to discover a goldmine of investment opportunities.

You will learn how much of your money you should invest into each cryptocurrency. In gambling terms, it is basically asking, WHAT is the correct bet size? Do you invest 100%, 50%, 10%, etc. of your portfolio on one crypto or do you spread it out across several cryptos? In other words, how much of your portfolio should be allocated to bitcoin, ethereum or a new and unproven crypto? We created an easy to use and easy to understand TaiFu RiskMatrix that automatically calculates your correct bet size based on your a) experience level and b) how much money you are working with. We lost a ton of money to field test the TaiFu Risk Matrix and well share it with you at the bootcamp so it will completely eliminate any guesswork for you when when you need to calculate how much risk you should take in an A-Tier, B-Tier, or C-Tier crypto.

You will learn to identify the 2 nasty market leeches in cryptocurrency investing that quickly suck & drain the money out of account leaving you broke & clueless as to what just happened to my investing account?! (NO ONE IS IMMUNE TO THESE 2 VICIOUS MARKET LEECHES INCLUDING YOU! They sucked my account dry multiple times when I first got into trading! It was nasty!) You will learn the 3 powerful investing shields that you can use to prevent these two nasty Market Leeches from draining money out of your accountbefore you even have a chance to make a profit! You will also learn how to properly exit a trade in the RIGHT way that will allow you to be profitable in cryptocurrency investing even when you are wrong on over 60% of your cryptocurrency picks! Imagine being RIGHT less than 40%of the time in your crypto investing and still be profitable! (This means you do not have to be RIGHT all the time to make money in crypto investing!) The beauty of these 3 powerful investing shields is that they are arithmetic based, easy to calculate (no calculator needed), requires very little booksmarts, and very easy to implement after you learn them.

You will learn how to systematically diagnose your crypto system to:

Troubleshoot whats causing your crypto investing system to be profitable so that you can CONTINUE doing it. Troubleshoot whats causing your crypto investing system to be unprofitable so that you can STOP doing it.

Our previous students consider this module to be the MOST CRITICAL component to cryptocurrency investing success & worth the bootcamp registration fee alone! Nothing is more annoying then putting your hard earned money to work for you and youre not making money and you dont know WHY? This module is designed to troubleshoot and diagnose your cryptocurrency investing system to see why its not making you money. NOTICE: WE PROMISE YOU WILL NOT LEARN THIS SECTION ABOUT TRADING DIAGNOSTICS ANYWHERE ELSE! IF YOU DID IT, WAS FROM ONE OF OUR PREVIOUS BOOTCAMP ATTENDEES OR THEY STOLE IT FROM US!

You will be reviewed and tested to make sure you can clearlyperform the 6 key components of safe & successful crypto investing. Therefore, you will berequired todemonstrate that youcan clearly perform the following tasks:

1. You know how to confidently FIND CRYPTOSwith a potential 100%-1,000% ROI.2. You know how to select the APPROPRIATE INVESTING STRATEGYfrom your strategy toolbox.3. You know how to identify the LOWEST RISK ENTRY PRICE.4. You know how to correctly calculate the BET SIZE for each investment.5. You know how calculate your EXIT PRICE when you are wrong and when you need to take profits so its not a mystery.6. You know to DIAGNOSE your crypto portfolio and identify a) what is MISSING from your crypto investing system, or b) what needs to IMPROVE in your current system.

You will learn how to access your monthly online coaching & mentoring to make sure you get continual training, new tools, & security updates, etc. since the crypto investing landscape changes every week.

How to legally pay the least amount of taxes on your crypto profits. How to set up your trading as a business to lower your crypto taxes. How to get the government to pay for your bootcamp expenses. How to qualify your CPA to make sure they understand cryptotaxes. How to invest in cryptos in your retirement accounts. How to guesstimate your crypto taxes. How to record and document your crypto investments for tax purposes. Understanding Mark to Market vs. Wash Sales vs. Capital Gains taxes

Bootcamp summary & wrap up. Final bootcamp Q&A. Whats the next steps?

The TOTAL VALUE of the Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp is$94,925!

Obviously, the Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp is NOT a good fit for everyone

If you would rather struggle WORKING HARDandlose your hard earned moneyto figure it out on your own instead of learning to do it RIGHT from a team of grizzled & experienced crypto investors (like Leon Fu Dot Com and Tai Zen) who have already crossed the minefield of crypto investing terror then this bootcamp is NOT a good fit for you. If you have a tendency to be negative, stubborn, whine, complain, & youre difficult to work with, always want to be right, or blame outside circumstances for your results then this bootcamp is NOT a good fit for you. If you are NOT willing to be TEACHABLE, COACHABLE, TRANSPARENT & be held ACCOUNTABLE and would rather stay right where you are, instead of making Life Changing Money FAST in crypto then this bootcamp is NOT a good fit for you. If you plan to sit on your butt and do nothing and you are NOT interested in doing the RIGHT action steps we show that are necessary to REALLY Make it Happen! to create Life Changing Money then dont bother registering for the bootcamp because its not the right fit for you. If you can IDENTIFYthe cryptos that can potentially create Life Changing Profits & already know the RIGHTTECHNICAL ANALYSIS TOOLSto identifyWHENto get IN and OUT then you dont need our bootcamp. If you dont believe there is a massive opportunity to create Life ChangingProfits in crypto investing as an early bird investor and alreadyhappy with makinga tiny1-10% profit in traditional stock investing then our bootcamp is not the right fit for you. If you have a spouse that doesnt UNDERSTAND the Life Changing Opportunities available in crypto investing and thinks you are wasting your money instead of seeing this bootcamp as an INVESTMENT in yourself & will be calling us up to nag, yell and complain about you attending our high value bootcamp then this bootcamp is NOT for you. Obviously, if you have to use your grocery or rent money to register for the bootcamp then this is not the right time for you. maybe later. Lastly, if your name happens to be Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Donald Trump, Satoshi Nakamoto or Vitalik Buterin, you probably wont even need the Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp!

On the other hand

If you have the burning desire to make Life Changing Money Faster Than You Ever Have and SICK & TIRED of struggling to figure things out alone & listening to bullshit from people who dont make a living from crypto investing then this bootcamp is a perfect fit for you. If you would like to have Leon Fu Dot Com and I (the most popular & trusted crypto investors online) in your corner, holding your hand, & show you how we made Life Changing Money in crypto & quit our jobs & retired then this bootcamp is a perfect fit for you. If you would like to spend 4 full days, in person, with Leon Fu Dot Com and Tai Zenin a PRIVATE and INTIMATE setting and have us help you with any & ALL aspects of crypto investing followed by 1 FULL YEARof coaching, mentoring & technical support then this bootcamp is really your ONLY choice! If youd like to be a part of a crypto investing Family where you get to meet AWESOME PEOPLE, create AMAZING friendships for life, who become LIFELONG & SUPPORTER then this bootcamp is a good fit for you. If you are DISGUSTEDwith the measly returns you are getting in your traditional stock investments and want to find opportunities in crypto that has a potential to make 100-1,000% PROFITS then you definitely need to attend the bootcamp. If you realize you made some FAT PROFITS from investing in a random crypto such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Factom, Monero, Dash, Stratis etc. off of pure luck and you want to hit it big again using REAL investing SKILLS only if you knew how to find the next big winner and not have to rely on luck again then be sure register for the bootcamp. If you want to GET RIDof the anxiety, nervousness, self-doubt, and FEAR of picking picking the wrong cryptocurrency and lose your hard earned money then dont think twice about it and register for the bootcamp today because its the perfect fit for you. If you are REGRETFUL that you didnt LOAD UP on certain cryptoswhen you had the opportunity because you were unsure or scared.. then register for the bootcamp now and dont wait.

Before you decide if theCryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp is for you or notI want to tell you why this program is vastly different from everything else thats ever been created on the topic of cryptocurrency investing.

Reason #1 This is the FIRST TIMEEVERthat a training program was designed specifically to help investors create Life Changing Profits and not just some EXTRAmoney because extra money doesnt change anyones life.

Reason #2 This bootcampis co-created by the two most recognized and world renowned crypto investors on the internet (Tai Zen& Leon Fu Dot Com) who specialize in creating life changing profits from cryptocurrency investing.

Reason #3 There will be no theorists or paper traders teaching the bootcamp! We have clearly documented all our crypto calls and picksBEFORE they happen on our YouTube channel for all to see, unlike many crypto investors who claim success after the fact.

Reason #4 This will be a condensed, high-impact, Best Of The Best, ground breaking, most comprehensive, step by step, crypto investing training of its kind andyou will have a complete A to Z method to systematically and effortlessly find potentially profitable cryptocurrencies, identify high probability entries, calculate the correct bet size, know when to get out if the investment if it goes against you, and know how to take profits when you are profitable so you are not scrambling around like a chicken with its head cut off asking when do you take profits.

Reason #5 We do not believe you should be in front of the computer all day making short term, in and out trades because that is no different than having a job working at home instead of at the office. After the bootcamp, you will learn how to PUT your money to WORK for you in the crypto market .

Reason #6 Its the first time that a program has ever been created SPECIFICALLY to help beginning & experienced crypto investors understand the true inner workings of the crypto market.

There are plenty of bullshit investing tricks, gimmicks, magic softwares, paper trading techniques, investment advisors, newsletters, etc. that appear to work and if they did, you wouldnt be reading about our bootcamp right now.

If you want to be a consistently profitable crypto investor then youre going to have to becomean educated crypto investor and learn some REAL crypto investing SKILLS! I seriously doubt you willfind anything else on the market that remotely comes CLOSE to the same level of high caliber training as our bootcamp!

This will be a private, intimate, and very hands on training bootcamp witha 30 Seat Max Limit! We only want a small number of students so thatwe have plenty of time to personally work with everyone.

The tuition for the Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp is $20,000.

You can register for the bootcamp using any cryptocurrency that trades over $1 million in volume per day according to If you want to register using a crypto that trades less than $1 million per day, please contact Tai@Cryptocurrency.Market and include the following info in the email subject line: I would like to register for the bootcamp with [insert name of your crypto].

YES, there is a guarantee, if after attending the 1st day, you feel that Leon Fu Dot Com and I did not deliver on what is promised on this website, you can choose to turn in your materials and ask for a full 100% REFUND and youll get it (just make sure you have your crypto address handy because we will ONLY refund the cryptos back to the originalcrypto address).

Now theres no excuse for not attending. If youre serious about making Life Changing Money in crypto, then register ASAP before the limited number of seats are filled. Once the 30 seats are filled, the bootcamp will beclosed!

DURING the bootcamp you will receive:

1. What Is Bitcoin, Blockchains & Cryptocurrency Investing? (Video) ($195 value)2. Cryptocurrency Investing BootcampTraining Manual Version 2.0 ($995 value)3. 4 Days of Hands On Training With Tai Zen & Leon Fu Dot Com ($92,930 value)4. 2 Hardware Wallets To Store Your Cryptos Offline ($150 value)5. 115 Dell Latitude Business Class Laptop For Storing & Transferring Cryptos ($1,200 value)6. TaiFu Crypto Diagnostics Trade Log ($995 Value)

AFTER the bootcamp you will receive:

1. Transcriptions for all 15 Training Sessions ($995 value)2. Transcription for Each 20 Sections ($495 value)3. 90 Min Monthly Online Q&A Sessions Once A Month To Keep You On Track ($5,970 Value)4. Emergency Coaching Sessions When There Is A Major Crypto Security Alert (Online) ($5,970 Value)5. Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp Home Study Course ($15,960 value)

Step #1 Click on the link below to register for the bootcamp:Click Here To Secure Your Bootcamp Seat Now!

Step #2 Pay your Bootcamp registration fee using bitcoin. We use Coinbase to process all Bootcamp registration fees. If you like to register for the Bootcamp using a different crypto please email us at David@Cryptocurrency.Market and Tai@Cryptocurrency.Marketwith your a) full name b) city, country b) phone number and a good time to call you so we can help you process the payment over the phone.

Step #3 Book your flight & hotel for the November 9-12, 2017 Bootcamp using the hotel info we provide you.

Step #4 We will get your mailing address over the phone so that we can ship you a) new 15 Dell Latitude Laptop (to be used for cryptocurrency investing only) and b) 2 hardware wallets. If you live outside the U.S. you will receive the laptop and hardware wallets at the hotel since the customs policies vary in differently in each country.

If you have any questions about the Bootcamp registration process, please call our office at: (214) 233-6316 and ask for Tai or David.

None of the following subscribers have been paid by us to make the following comments. All they got from us was solid cryptocurrency investing knowledge!

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Cryptocurrency Market The World's Leading Authority On ...

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