Can Cryptocurrency Transform The Business World in 2020? – Irish Tech News

The term Cryptocurrency is in vogue these days. Most of the people are prejudiced about the know-how of Cryptocurrency.

However, Cryptocurrency is much more than what people know about this term. In this article, we would know how Cryptocurrency has changed the business world.

Cryptocurrency is an asset that is completely available online.

It is specially designed to work as a:

Cryptocurrency is a system that meets the following conditions and is capable of:

Now, after you have mug-up all the facts mentioned above about Cryptocurrency, its the time to know how can Cryptocurrency transformed the business world.

Following are the pointers that will give the true and fair picture to you about the transformations that have taken place after the arrival of Cryptocurrency-

The fact that some economies are already disturbed is not hidden from anyone. The reason is the rising issues against the central government.

However, at such a critical time, a currency in which people can put their trust as well as they know it will maintain its value can open new doors.

Many people expect that the economies will get stable by using Cryptocurrency against that untrusted local currency.

Of-course when Cryptocurrency has the potential to level up the economy, it has the capability to lower down the currency risk as well.

The users need not worry about their government is printing money or not; also, the fear of monetizing their debts will also be eliminated.

Further, great confidence could be seen in a user that their currency will have value in the future. Hence, the currency risk will be eliminated with the usage of Cryptocurrency.

We are pretty much aware of the fact that transferring money from one bank to another is a lengthy as well as a cumbersome process.

Even a couple of hours are wasted in confirming it via wire transfers. However, with the help of Cryptocurrency, the facility of quick, instant, and faster confirmations can be initiated.

The reason is that all the transactions are done on the digital platform, and the holder or user does not have to go anywhere personally.

When a real estate gets closed or is merged into some bigger entity, the money has to be transferred in order to make sure that the title is transferred.

Such ownership or title-ship transfers can be made easier with the help of Cryptocurrency whereby:

To bank something is to keep something valuable somewhere.

Banks were opened to facilitate a safekeeping of money, ornaments, and important documents of the people; however, we are listening to such news daily that banks are going bankrupt.

Hence they are not able to repay the principal amount to the user, what to talk of interest?

Likewise, it is expected that in the coming time, the necessity of keeping your money in the bank would no more remain a necessity.

A platform like Cryptocurrency provides us a completely digital way to keep our money safe and secure; also we can use it as and when we want and require.


In the investment world, a broker plays an important role and, a broker only helps you when you are paying handsome amounts to him to be your broker, whether it is an individual, an agency, a financial institution or a bank.

However, with the help of Cryptocurrency, the middleman gets removed as the parties can connect directly without the need of any broker.

Hence, you save a great sum that way as three things are important:

Cryptocurrency promises to flatten the investment procedure for buyers as well as sellers.

The Exchange agencies like money gram or western union money transfer offer the key feature in which the users can move ownership from one person to another. Here the parties generally do not know each other, but the payment is facilitated.

However, using a digital platform like Cryptocurrency is offering in investments. It eliminates the lengthy and cumbersome procedures out and clears the way for the users to execute what they want to easily.

This is not an overrated statement that 4/5 of the people use mobile phones and out of them at least half of the people shop online from a hairclip to a pair of shoes or sandals; from soap to a perfume; from a beautiful dress to a branded pair of jeans and what not?

When everything is available online, why would people waste their time, efforts, and energy in personal visiting and buying?

Cryptocurrency gives reasons to believe in this online system to the ones who are yet afraid of the online scams or any kind of insecurity while making online payments.

The reason is that it eliminates the risk of fraud for individuals as well as for business entrepreneurs.

Therefore, it is building a strong base and strengthening the e-commerce day by day. Moreover, it also allows users to shop online freely.

Hence, these were some of the highlighted benefits and core points about Cryptocurrency that will surely give you a boost to ponder about it.

We surely are entering into an exciting world where the fear will be eliminated, and confidence will be leveled up in every being. Cryptocurrency will have more dynamic effects than the ones mentioned here.

The one that can foresee the uncertain and un-happened can foretell that Cryptocurrency will bring great opportunities for the people as well as for the businesses in the upcoming time.

By Harikrishna Kundariya, who is a marketer, developer, IoT, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies, an AngularJS Web Development Company. His 8+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT & Blockchain.

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Can Cryptocurrency Transform The Business World in 2020? - Irish Tech News

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