Best Cryptocurrency to Invest 2018 – The Deepweb 2018

Considering the Digital evolution of man, its only natural that we have Cryptocurrencies (digital currencies) now, replacing the traditional ones. If you want to grow your financial worth with the help of these cryptocurrencies, definitely you want to invest some of your money in the crypto coins but before anything you want to know which coins you need to buy for holding, thats the main reason I am writing this post Best Cryptocurrency to Invest for you.

Now there are quite a few cryptocurrencies making their mark in the digital sphere out there, but the only thing common to most of them is that they are digital, and function on Blockchain!

Apart from that, their infrastructure, security, future, and everything else differs vastly.

So weve compiled this list on the 7 best Cryptocurrency to invest in, taking into considerations various market as well as currency-specific factors and data which we will explain throughout this piece.

Bitcoins are the hot potatoes right now! The answer to Why lies in this simple graph

As you can see, it went from $500 to $18000 in just one year! Well, thats 36x times your investment!

Meaning if you had $75,000 worth of BTC in Jan 2016, youd be 1.5 million (April 29, 2018) right now!

Not to mention that just $100-500 investment back in 2009 when it launched, wouldve made you a millionaire for sure and nearly a billionaire. (Even by June 2015, you could buy it for as low as $0.07/BTC!)

Also, it broke all records this week by touching $19000 (Dec 2017)! The only crypto to have made that mark!

Limited Supply The reason Bitcoin stands out from the crowd in its own unique color and shape is the fact that its Limited!

Well yeah! Unlike a lot of other cryptocurrencies out there which can be produced endlessly on a supply & demand basis, Bitcoin is capped permanently at 21,000,000 BTC.

So no matter whats the demand or how many people want it, the world wont ever see a bit more than 21,000,000! Naturally, anything which is limited is ever more valued than something which can be procured endlessly, isnt it?

Market Capitalization/ Circulating Supply The current Market value of all the Bitcoins on the network is exactly $158,046,916,785 or 17,005,062BTC exactly.

So that is yet another factor which makes it my currency of choice when Im deciding the best Cryptocurrency to invest in 2018! It already has acquired quite the market, with only about 37% of the BTC been mined so far.

24 Hours Volume $8,766,180,000 (April 2018) worth of Bitcoins have been traded (bought and/or Sold) in the last 24 hours alone! Considering its a Digital currency and still not in every corner of the world, that kind of volume is just a confidence booster.

Note that only Trades are considered while calculating the volume, and not the withdrawals or transfers.

Poloniex (LTC/BTC), Bittrex, and Poliniex (ETH/BTC) again are the three major Bitcoin traders responsible for 8.90%, 5.05%, and 4.57% of the total trade volume respectively.

Final Verdict Any investment isnt 100% full-proof. Thats the reason they are called investments and not Money-multipliers or something like that.

Bitcoin is no different. But considering were talking about cryptocurrencies, one fact that can be claimed from the data and past history is it clearly is the most profitable among the available best cryptocurrency to invest in 2018!

Van Petersen, one of the most acclaimed strategists on the planet has speculated that Bitcoin price would reach $100,000 in the next 10 years!

How? Well, he has explained the exact numbers and figures which lead up to his conclusion of that figure, which can be found on this CNBC post!

Ethreum is the cut-throat competitor Bitcoin has. Although they both are Cryptocurrencies, the purpose of why they were invented differs widely.

Bitcoin was invented with the sole purpose of replacing traditional currency by offering better security, anonymity and P2P exchanges.

While Ethreum too boasts those features, its primary intention isnt to overtake the traditional currency, instead, it focuses more on its smart contracts and other features.

Anyway, getting into the difference isnt the motive of this post, let me illuminate the fact why Ethreum is one of the best cryptocurrency to invest in 2017!

a). Current Trend As the following chart should explain, Ethreum was just launched couple years back, and from then it has only skyrocketed.

Only in the last couple months, its value has multiplied itself 4-5times over! Again a millionaire maker for the early riders.

Right now its priced at $376/ETH. Considering it was $40 just in April, 2017 the price is predicted to hit four figures by the end of this year.

b). Market Cap Ethreums current market cap is 34,904,016,009 USD, which isnt very far off compared to Bitcoins.

If we take a look at ETHs market cap graph, we would find that its almost identical to its price graph unlike the case of Bitcoins.

But we also have to keep in mind ETHs unlimited supply and production compared to the limited number of Bitcoins out there.

c). Volume Ethreums last 24 hour volume was exactly $733,043,000. Considering its only a year old currency, Id say thats a pretty good number of trades for one day.

Infact its my second choice of best cryptocurrency to invest in 2017 because Bitcoin is nearly 6 years old now, and still Ethreum managed to push itself to half of BTCs daily volume in just a year!

d). Circulating Supply Even though Ethreum can be produced as much as needed, its current market circulation is 92, 637, 709 ETH exactly, which translates to around $338,276, 3785! The only currency to touch the Billion dollar mark after Bitcoin.

e). Backed by Fortune 500 Companies And if youre still skeptical, let me tell you that some of the best names on the planet, including

Have shown their faith in the currency.

If youre worried that you missed the early wagon in case of Bitcoin or Ethreum, well you might as well catch the Ripple train.

Ripple was launched in 2012, and honestly the price hasnt skyrocketed as much as Bitcoin or Ethreum, well so why did it make this list of best cryptocurrency to invest in 2017?

Because, even Bitcoins were priced around $200 back in 2015, 6 years after their launch! So researches believe that ones the currency has reached a stable ground, it might have a future similar to BTC or ETH.

The prediction is based on the fact that, Ripples primary aim is to do for money, what the Internet did for information (Source:- Ripple Blogpost).

In simpler English, to offer people across the globe a fast, free and decentralized transaction infrastructure, void of the delays and transaction fee levied by the banks.

a). Current Trend Right now, Ripple is almost mimicking BTC in its early days. With frequent ups and downs, but ups being the final go as you can make out from the chart.

Its priced at a mere $0.33217/ XRP! So no doubt now is the time to invest.

Simply because, even if you lose, you wont be losing a fortune, but if you gain youre on the way to make a few hundred Ks if not millions!

b). Market Cap The current Market Cap for Ripple is $12,716,850,054. Its 1/3rd of ETH or even lower if compared to Bitcoins, granted! But its still a green light because of the fact that despite being priced extremely low, it has an overall valuation equal to 1/3rd of ETHs!

c). 24-hour Volume $751,712,000 worth of Ripple has been traded in the last 24 hour itself! Clearly goes on to illustrate its market value!

Coinone is responsible for 26.77% of trades in the last 24 hours, while Poloniex for 15.05% so those two platforms can be used seamlessly for trading Ripple if you wish to do so.

d). Circulating Supply Talking in terms of USD, the total XRP in circulation is still not very significant. Although in terms of XRP its 38,290,271,363 which is a pretty good figure.

Every digit of that XRP currency is a chance for you to invest on it, and once it grows your investment would grow along with it.

e). Total Supply Ripple considers itself not a rival to Bitcoin, rather a Compliment to it. So following in the same footsteps as BTC, Ripple too aims to limit itself to 100 Billion!

Out of which, only 50Million would be out for public circulation. So if you wish to be a part of Ripples future, now is the time.

f). Ripple Markets You can Use for Trading

LiteCoin has launched 5 years ago, and although its considered similar to Bitcoin in many aspects, its not identical.

Being honest, some of its features like Segregated Witness, and Lightning Network make it better to Bitcoin in many regards.

Although the problem of orphaned blocks isnt to be ignored if were comparing it to Bitcoin.

Its primary target is to facilitate faster transactions, at almost non-existent costs!

a). Current Trend Currently, its priced at $47.13, and if you look at the price graph youd notice that it suffered a bit of a nose-dive from mid-2013 to Jan 2017.

But what makes it worth being one of the best Cryptocurrency to invest in 2017 is the fact that it not only recovered but surpassed its loss as well as earlier position in less than 6 months! And its only going up.

b). Market Cap Litecoins current Market cap is USD $2,380,384,949, and thats only for the 60% of Litecoins which have been mined already! This figure is likely to multiply several times in the near future as more of LTC are mined.

c). 24 Hour Volume More than half a Billion dollars worth, $571,097,000 to be exact has been bought and/or sold in the last 24 hours!

OkCoin and Huobi are the major traders responsible for trading 21.02% and 14.81% of LiteCoin in the last 24 hours.

d). Circulating Supply Currently 51,647, 157 LTC is in circulation. Being priced at $40/Litecoin, you can do the math in terms of USD.

Considering the current trend, each LTC is an opportunity for you to invest your money on, which is expected to hit 100-500USD in the near future.

e). Maximum Supply Litecoin is permanently capped at 84,000,000 LTC. And as already mentioned, only around 60% of the LTC is out for now.

f). Trading Markets for LiteCoin you can Use

Monero is currently the 6th most traded cryptocurrency, thus clearly justifying its presence on this list as one of the best cryptocurrency to invest in 2017.

2016 saw a huge boost for Monero pertaining to the fact that it was adopted by Alphabay!

Monero isnt a fork of Bitcoin like most other cryptocurrencies out there, instead is based on the Cryptonote protocol.

Hence theres considerable difference between Bitcoin and Monero, thus presenting you with a different opportunity and scope, even though both of them are cryptocurrencies, they are likely to have very different future and outcomes.

The primary motives behind the launch of Monero were Stability, Decentralization, and Privacy!

a). Current Trends Currently, Monero is priced at $48.17. And the chart below indicates a steady growth over the past 3 years.

b). Market Cap Moneros current market Cap in terms of USD is $706,145,634.

c). 24 Hour Trade Volume Despite being priced at $40, Monero still managed to trade $14,799,300 in the past 24 hours!

Monero, if hypothetically taken to be $2600 (value of BTC) would come out with a hypothetical trade volume of around $961,953,200.

I scribbled that figure down to emphasize the potential Monero holds once the price reaches anywhere near that of BTCs ($2600).

d). Circulating Supply After being out of the womb for 3 years, Moneros current circulating supply in the market is 14,660,088 XMR.

Trading Markets for Monero

Dash first saw the light of day back in the 2014! The same year as Monero. Dash actually means Digital cash in the actual term.

Its the 7th most traded currency, holding the position just below Monero.

Dashs primary weapons are PrivateSend and InstantSend. PrivateSend offers better anonymity, and privacy for transactions, while InstantSend focuses on making transactions as fast as possible.

Current Trend Dash is currently priced at $187/ Dash. Its not as cheap as Monero but then again its not intended to be.

Infact how low or high a currency is priced has negligible effect on how good it is for long-term investments. For eg. Bitcoin is soaring high with its price, its still a #1 cryptocurrency to invest in 2017, isnt it?

Heres a graph of Dashs current trend

As you can see, it suffered a nosedive some time back (as in the case of most currencies at some point in their existence) but its picking up the pace quite well again!

24 hour Trade Volume As far as the trade volume for Dashs last 24 hours is concerned, they traded well over $38,887, 200.

xBTCe is responsible for trading 17.39% of Dash in the last 24 hours, while Poloniex for 16.20%. Bitthumb too managed to get a big slice, 15.44% to be exact!

Circulating Supply This is the 3rd year of Dashs existence, and in this short period of existence itself it has managed to circulate 7,376,176 DASH!

Considering the price and circulating supply arent overwhelming right now, it surely becomes one of the best cryptocurrency to invest in 2017.

As the price rises, so will your investment.

Total Supply Dash cant be produced endlessly, and is permanently capped at 18,900,000 Dash. Right now only 39% of the total available Dash has been mined.

So Dash still has a H-U-G-E potential left both for the investors, as well as traders focusing on short-term goals!

Market Cap The current Market cap for Dash is $138, 282,066, 778! That is just impressive considering how over 61% of Dash still is unavailable! This market cap is just on the 39% of the available Dash!

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Best Cryptocurrency to Invest 2018 - The Deepweb 2018

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