Famous whistleblowers who shocked the world – msnNOW

Throughout history, there have been many people who, for one reason or another, released classified information. Known as whistleblowers, they have alerted the public about other individuals, governments, or organizations who were secretly involved in illicit or unethical activities. From Edward Snowden to Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, some call these individuals heroes, while others see them as traitors.

Reality Winner, the whistleblower who leaked a classified document about Russian interference in the 2016 US elections, is sharing her side of the story and emphasizing: "I am not a traitor." Winner, who was hit with the longest sentence ever imposed for unauthorized release of government information to the media, sat down for a '60 Minutes' interview after spending four years behind bars to clear things up.

When interviewer Scott Pelley asked Winner about her decision to expose the National Security Agency's knowledge of Russia's interference in the 2016 election, she said, "I knew it was secret. But I also knew that I had pledged service to the American people. And at that point in time, it felt like they were being led astray." CBS reports that the secret report was being kept secret partly because it revealed what the US knew about Russian tactics. Though Winner was charged with espionage, she remains adamant that she was "exposing a White House cover up."

Want to know more? Then check out this gallery to discover men and women who risked everything in the pursuit of truth.

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Famous whistleblowers who shocked the world - msnNOW

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