What not to say to a transgender person


Editor's note: Transgender identity has been making headlines recently, from Pvt. Chelsea Manning to Katie Couric's gaffe. CNN anchor Piers Morgan has now generated controversy with his questions during a chat with author and trans activist Janet Mock. Mock will return to Piers Morgan Live tonight at 9 pm ET on CNN. This piece was originally published January 15, and has been updated.

(CNN) -- Transgender women, it seems, are all the rage.

Or more accurately, a great deal of transgender women seem to be popping up in mainstream media, their lives (and their lives as they lived them in the past) offered up for both audiences and journalists to pick through and scrutinizeand yes, sometimes marvel over.

In some cases, there has been a gratuitous outing, like in Grantland's story about the inventor of a "Magical Putter".

In others, there have been some ruffled feathers, as the mainstream world bumps up against the fact that transgender people are not only among us, but their lives are not so neatly summed up as having been "born into wrong bodies."

Transgender celebrities

Transgender celebrities

Transgender celebrities

Transgender celebrities

See original here:
What not to say to a transgender person

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