Chelsea Manning’s Case Is Wikileaks –

Chelsea Mannings case is Wikileaks vs the United States.

Thats the Grand Jury and the case consists of charging Wikileaks with conspiring with Russia, including in Mannings original leak.

Manning is right.In her press conference today, Manning astutely pointed out that Julian Assange is already indicted by the United States and not by Mueller. Grand Juries, she said, are for the purpose of an indictment so why does the Government want to force her to testify at a Grand Jury, if Assange is already indicted?

Answer: Because its a separate trial from that of Assange. It is the trial of Wikileaks, for conspiring with the GRU against the United States since Manning leaked her cables in 2010.

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This blog has consistently argued that Mueller said Trump was not proven guilty YET, but would be proven guilty once the Wikileaks = the GRU case concludes. Mannings self-serving pleas to camera only underscore our central thesis.

Mannings allies who are also Wikileaks allies are arguing another salient point, and its a pity the mainstream media is not paying any attention. They say that the Government wants to relitigate her court martial. Here we have a whining tweet from Jude Fleming, who masquerades as a journalist concerned for the free press; in fact, as her twitter header shows, Fleming works for Ruptly, a state blog of the Putin government.

Chelsea Manning has been asked to answer the same questions before a Grand Jury. Spoiler alert for US Govt > READ THE COURT MARTIAL TRANSCRIPT, ITS ALL THERE. Next, look up redundant. RevolvingInjustice FreeChelseaManning

How does Russias Ms. Fleming know this? Manning has refused to answer the questions, correct? So she has no idea what the Grand Jury want to ask Chelsea Manning, does she? Except, Fleming works for Russia so of course she knows.

As we reported, Wikileaks colluded with the GRU in the Manning case and ever since. Chelsea knows this, and so does Russia (Flemings employers). They know exactly what the Grand Jury wants to ask Ms. Manning. Lets pretend for a second that this wasnt the case, and Fleming worked for CNN instead of Ruptly. Why would her court martial testimony be the first thing that springs to mind? It wouldnt. Chelsea Manning has been out of prison, pardoned by President Obama, for some time. She has done all kinds of nefarious things since her release. For example, shes partied with white nationalists and other employees of the Russian state, like Cassandra Fairbanks, who worked for Sputnik, and the alt-rights Jack Posobiec and his Russian wife.

A Grand Jury could be asking Manning about any of these things. But the Ruptly journalist iscertainthat she is being asked about her Grand Jury testimony at her Court Martial.

And the Ruptly journalist is dead right. Because Chelsea Mannings case is Wikileaks, the one that will convict Trump for conspiring with Russia.

Because Chelsea Manning who has immunity, following her pardon, for the 2010 crime she was convicted of, and cannot take the Fifth perjured herself at her 2010 court martial. If she repeats that lie today, she will have committed a new perjury.

I want to take the mainstream media by the scruff of their shirts and shake some sense into them. Do folks not see what is right in front of them? Let me recap:

Chelsea Manning is not refusing to testify because of any feeling about Grand Juries. She lied at her court martial. She knows Russia was involved. The FBI have the goods. Chelsea would face far worse charges than merely perjury, and shed face them under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Jude Fleming of Ruptly knows that, because her Russian bosses told her so. Its why she knows, in advance, what questions the Grand Jury want to ask Manning. Flemings Russian bosses know that Wikileaks didnt receive whistleblower info and publish it. They were working,all the time, from the beginning,for the Russian state.

Wikileaks IS Russia. And Trumps campaign was found to have conspired with Wikileaks. If Chelsea Mannings case is Wikileaks, and it definitely is, then her fear is of revealing just how long she, exactly like Assange, has been working for the Kremlin.

As I wrote in my first post on this blog, Dear Mr. Putin, Lets Play Chess, a long essay I wrote in December 2016 and published here in January 2017:

I have an overarching theory of Russias attack on America and the West. Here it is.

There have not been a series of attacks on America and Europe by Vladimir Putin. There has been one single operation; it is the same operation.

This afternoon, Chelsea Manning went one step further in proving me right.

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