NJEA: We wont give in to censors. Well give children a deep, well-rounded education. | Opinion – NJ.com

By Sean M. Spiller

As school resumes after summer break, New Jersey parents, students and educators alike are looking forward to a year with fewer of the restrictions and disruptions that have characterized the last three years. Recently released national test score data confirms what common sense already told us: students suffered academically as well as emotionally during those unusual school years. We all have plenty of work do to.

There is good cause for optimism here, though. For three years in a row, even throughout the pandemic, New Jerseys public schools have been ranked the best in the nation by Education Week. We are progressing toward full funding, so more students have the resources they need to thrive. While we wont rest on our laurels, we are proud of what weve accomplished to help New Jersey remain a great place to grow up or raise a family.

None of that happens accidentally. Its the product of prepared, passionate educators working in partnership with parents to make sure our children learn every day. Its also the product of an approach to public education that uses a comprehensive curriculum to prepare students for citizenship and success in one of Americas most diverse states.

From New Jerseys thoughtful, age-appropriate health and sex education learning standards, to our Amistad and Holocaust curricula, to climate change lessons, to the requirement that our students know about the cultural and historical contributions of LGBTQIA+ Americans, the Garden State has long been a national leader in learning. We make sure that our students dont just excel in the basics (though they do!) but also have a deep, broad, well-rounded education. Its a formula thats long worked well in New Jersey.

But there are storm clouds gathering in the form of mean-spirited and dishonest attacks targeting efforts to teach New Jersey children the truth. Apparently, the truth is threatening to some people. Weve seen wild allegations about curricula, about schools and even about educators themselves. Weve seen attempts to ban books. Weve seen legislation proposed to suppress free speech in schools. Weve seen threats by some elected school board members to disregard the law and impose their own political agendas in place of our students right to a comprehensive, truthful education.

Thats why, as educators, we are speaking up. Because truth matters. Honesty matters. And we are not willing to sit silently and let education policy be set by a small group that shouts louder than anyone else. Throughout history, censors, book banners and science suppressors have never made any society safer, stronger or freer. Thats not how democracy works. Its certainly not how New Jerseys schools became Americas best.

Make no mistake about it: Parents have a right and I would argue an obligation to advocate for their childrens educational well-being. Parents also have a right to know what their children are learning. Fortunately, finding that out is as easy as talking to their childrens teachers. Theres no secret, no hidden curriculum and New Jersey educators welcome those conversations. We know that involved parents make our schools stronger and more successful.

But no one politician, parent or otherwise has the right to dictate what someone elses child is allowed to learn. No one is allowed to determine what books other peoples children are allowed to read, what scientific facts theyre allowed to know and what history they are allowed to grapple with.

Its one thing for a parent to tell their child not to check out a particular book from the library. Its another thing entirely for anyone to make that decision for every parent and every child.

So as long as there are attempts to censor what New Jerseys students are allowed to learn, we are going to stand on the side of parents who believe, like we do, that our students deserve the truth. And because of parents and educators working in partnership, we are confident that truth will prevail, and we will have a great year indeed.

Sean M. Spiller is the president of the New Jersey Education Association and the mayor of Montclair.

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NJEA: We wont give in to censors. Well give children a deep, well-rounded education. | Opinion - NJ.com

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